GerFra - A Little Problem

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  Germany sighed as he stared at the chaos in the meeting room. "Can't there be some order for once?" He gently pushed Italy away and stood up. "Everybody quiet down! The meeting is starting!" A few grumbles and groans later, and everybody had sat down.

  The German opened his mouth to speak, when he noticed a... problem. A big problem. A faint blush rose in his cheeks and he glanced down at his pants. "Really?? Not now..." He couldn't give a presentation with a boner!

  "Um... England!", he yelled out awkwardly. "Yes?", the Englishman questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I want you to go give an opening statement on the world economy. Then China can go next." Both countries groaned, but England trudged to the front of the room and began talking.

  Germany was trying to focus, but it was a little hard when, to put it bluntly, something else was hard.  He tried shifting positions and pressing down on his crotch, but it wouldn't go away! He glanced up at the countries at the table, sighing with relief as he saw that none were staring at him. Suddenly France turned and looked him dead in the eyes, blinking slowly.

  "Uhhhhh.... why is he looking at me like that?"

  France smirked and chuckled lightly before turning back towards the Englishman giving his presentation. "What the hell?!? Does he know?... Nein, that's impossible, he can't know... he's just being a flirt like always... Ja, that's all it is..."

  Hours seemed to go by until England finished, and even more had crawled by once China was done. In reality, it had only been 25 minutes or so, but the little (ahem, big) problem was still there.

The little flirtatious glances France was sending him didn't help. It also didn't help that Germany had a small... minuscule... barely existent... crush on the French nation.

  "Yo, earth to Germany!!"

  America's voice cut through Germany's thoughts, and he realized everybody was staring at him expectedly.

  "Haha, get it? Earth to Germany? Because all the countries are waiting?? Get it??"

  Germany narrowed his eyes at the American. "Very funny. I've decided that we're going to have to reschedule this meeting - there is important business that has... come up. I must attend to it."

  The other countries seemed quite eager to leave, and began to pack up their belongings without questioning him.

  As the countries exited, France slowly stood up and stretched. Germany winced, trying to avoid staring at him, and started to shuffle papers together.

  "So... Germany...", came the dreaded flirtatious tone from the Frenchman behind him.


  "What has... come up, as you said? You don't seem to be in too big of a hurry..."

Germany felt his face beginning to flush instantly. "Great..."

"I... um..."

France raised an eyebrow as Germany stuttered.

"I have a huge boner!", Germany suddenly blurted out, his whole face going red.

He sat down awkwardly as France stared at him.

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