Chapter 7| The Questions I Need to Ask

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I'm crying sws new song is so so so so bad.

-update. I'm not allowed to dislike music anymore.

And I'm crying because I met Frank Iero, and he signed my school ID, crossed out my dead name and rewrote it. He's such a chill and funny guy like holy shit. Seriously amazing guy omg.

Oh and I may have bleached the shit out of my fringe and it is now being ripped from my head because it's so damaged.

Also sorry this took so long. Shits going down with Rachel, I got sick, and I have work soooo fun


Kellin's POV

"This is a fucking stupid ass project..." I rolled my eyes and Vic sighed, glaring at me.

"You're a fucking stupid ass person."

"Shut up," I mumbled.

"You first," he replied, continuing to tape together the parachute so it'd hold for our egg.

"It ain't big enough," I said, grabbing the device from him, in the process ripping the parachute in half

"Are you fucking kidding me!" He yelled, throwing his hands down in frustration.

"That ain't my fault!"

"You ripped it out of my hands! Now I have to make a new one!" He snapped, standing up and going back over to wear the paper was.

"Stop being all pissy."

"This stupid thing is due on Monday, and we haven't even tested it once yet!" He snapped at me.

"That also ain't my fault."

"Yes. It. Is. You've been complaining and wasting my time since day 1, which is why we're so fucking far behind!"

"I ain't been wasting no time!"

"Yes you have! Jesus fucking... just don't do anything!"

"That'll fail us both and you know it," I rolled my eyes.

"Well you'll lie and said you did something."

"And why should I? You're robbing me of an education. Typical Mexican...stealing," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not stealing anything. You don't even want to help."

"I do, you're just shitty at science," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright class, time to clean up your materials. Class ends in five minutes," our teacher announced.

"Fucking hell... now I get to spend my weekend doing this bullshit ass project."

"Have fun with that."

"Oh hell no. You wanted to work on it, you're gonna fucking help me," he said sternly.

"I ain't spending no more time with you than I need to."

The Views of Both Sides (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now