Chapter 9| My Family in White Robes and Dreams of a Devil Boy

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Let me fucking say that researching this was hilarious. The kkk has the worst website designs ever I'm cracking up. They all look like they were made in the 90s and never fucking revised. Seriously go fucking check them out

Also there's multiple branches of the kkk apparently. (Some are more terrible than others) some are like very anti violence which is weird? And they acknowledge that bisexuals exist (but they're not allowed to join) oh, and I tried to make an account for one of them (for research cause fuck white supremacy) and you can use it for fucking dating!!!!! IM NOT KIDDING. idk wtf is going on with them tbh. U guys should look into it tho.


Kellin's POV

I sat in my room reading some book my father had given me about American history and feeling very bored. It was raining so there wasn't anywhere for me to go.

"Kellin are ya decent?" I heard my mom ask as she knocked on my door.

"Yep," I told her, my eyes not leaving the page.

She opened the door and smiled at me. I noticed that her black eye was fading well, and that she was wearing short. I understood what that had meant. Pa was probably in a good mood.

"Dinners ready, and your father's got a surprise for you," she said.

"A surprise?"

"Yeah, I can't say nothing though. He'll tell you," she said, and she walked back out towards the kitchen.

I placed the book on the bed face down so I didn't lose where I was. I then stood up and headed out. I went into the kitchen to see that we were eating my favorite. There was a lasagna in the middle of the table, and next to it was a salad. I smiled. Lasagna was the only thing I actually liked to eat. I sat down at the table and soon my pa came out with a bible, sitting across from me. My mother soon joined us and we all bowed our heads as our dad recited the meal prayer. When he was done my mom began to serve us and I smiled when she put a piece of lasagna on my plate.

"Thank you," I said kindly, and my dad looked at me like he had something to say. I sent him a small smile and he then opened his mouth to speak.

"Kellin, you're gonna be 18 soon and I was thinking that it's time for me to introduce you to my friends in our group," he said, and I felt my face fall.

"Your group? Like the one wi-"

"Yep, the Klan. Now, you can't join because your only 17 but the imperial wizard said you're allowed to attend today's meeting since you're my boy," he said, smiling at me.


"You ain't seen excited..." he said, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"I am," I forced a smile back.

"That's good. Damn, I been waiting for this day ever since you was born," he said, smiling like hell.


"Well yeah, the Klan's a big part of my life, and I'm so glad that I'm gonna be passing it down to you. More and more niggers and spics are getting into this country and are getting into power. You're gonna help keep America white and pure," he smiled, and I felt my stomach churn.

The Views of Both Sides (Kellic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя