Chapter 1| Satan isn't Your Friend

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I have never in my entire life used the words "nigger, spic, kike, etc." I think that they are all disgusting words and as a white guy I know I'm not allowed to use them. However, like many authors I do not share the same views as all my characters. The way Kellin is portrayed in this story does not reflect the real Kellin Quinn or myself in any way. Seriously I do not condone ANY of the language Kellin's character uses. Please do not view me as someone who thinks it's ok to refer to anyone as a "nigger, spic or kike." If you are easily offended please do not read this because Kellin's character is extremely racist and offensive.

Like I said, I do not support or condone Kellin's character or hate speech.


Kellin's POV

I ran down the hall towards my first period class as quickly as I could. I was a week into senior year and I still managed to have to rush to class in the morning. This was the last year and then I was finally going to get out of high school so I could work at the warehouse with Pa. He'd been working there since he was my age, but he said that at the rate the illegals were coming in the whole factory would be filled with spics. I sighed at the thought of all those foreigners living in our town, and working amongst us.

I got to class a few minutes early, spotting one of my friends immediately."Matty! How ya been?" I asked, coming towards him. Matty hadn't been here the first week of school and I was more than happy to see him again.

"I've been great Kells, how 'bout you?" He asked, smiling once I had addressed him.

"Great! Me and my pa went fishin' a lot, but I really just hung out with summa the other guys," I replied.

We sat down at the desks in the back, catching up on our summer experiences until Mrs. Brockston had to dictate the class. He told me all about his trip to Texas to visit the rest of his family and it sounded like it was over the moon. We didn't have much time to talk though, since Mrs. Brockston came in and asked the class to quiet down. I really hated taking orders from a lady, but the last time I called one of them out on their inability to tell me what I could and could not do I got suspended.

"Alright now, simmer down," she said picking up a piece of chalk and writing what we would be studying today.

"You ain't gonna yell at her for tellin' ya what to do again, are ya? 'Cause school ain't us fun when you're suspended," Matty said to me, not bothering to whisper. It wasn't like we were going to pay attention anyway.

"Nah, as stupid as it is that she think she can tell men what to do, I ain't gonna say nothing. Being suspended is boring," I replied, rolling my eyes.

Mrs. Brockston looked to the back of the class, noticing that Matty and I were talking. She opened her mouth to say something but ultimately decided against telling us to be quiet. She was probably afraid I was going to yell at her again. I laughed at that, and for the first 15 minutes of the period Matty and I talked about some random things, joking around, the usual. But then the door to the classroom opened, causing me to look up.

I scowled when I saw a somewhat short boy with brown skin and long hair walk into the classroom. He had a nasty metal ring in his nose and he was wearing all black. Matty turned to see him too and started glaring as well.

The Views of Both Sides (Kellic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin