Chapter 2| No I Wasn't Staring

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I know the bitch'll freak it if I don't fucking mention this but FadedFuentes is helping me write this. She helps me write all my stories. Follow and suck her dick for her so her ego can inflate more.


Kellin's POV

I wasn't very friendly with many people in physics class. None of my friends from my little group were here, so I had to fend for myself. Soon, the bell rang and our teacher went to the front of the room to give us instructions.

"Well class, we have a new student joining us today. His name if Vic, and he's coming from California. Vic would you mind standing up for the class?" Miss Wels said, and I just rolled my eyes. Vic stood up from his table, and I looked over at him, still glaring.

"What brings ya to Louisiana Vic?" Miss Wels asked, and I could see Vic tense up.

"Family," was all he replied with.

She smiled sweetly towards him, "well, I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here, Vic."

He didn't say anything, just sat back down at the table.

"Douchebag," I muttered under my breath.

Nobody seemed to hear and I was tempted to say it louder to irritate him further, but I knew that would only lead to me getting expelled quicker than I would like.

"I want everyone to put their physics homework on the desk so I can give you a stamp to see that you've completed it," our teacher said, and I pulled out my incomplete homework. I looked to the kid neck to me, seeing that she had completed it.

"Can I copy you?" I asked her.

She quickly looked to me, before quickly covering up her sheet with her hands so I couldn't see what she had written at all

"Fuck you, bitch," I said harshly. There was no need for her to be so rude.

"Miss Wels! Kellin just called me a bitch!" The girl said, raising her hand and getting our teacher's attention.

"Mr. Quinn." She sighed, giving me a stern look

"What? Do you want me to go to the office or something?" I asked, feeling so fed up with this day.

"No-just-don't do anything," she said in irritation.

I rolled my eyes once more, looking down the sheet of paper on my desk. Soon she came over, stopping in front of me and sighing at my paper. "Get it done for tomorrow and I'll give you some credit," she said, and I ignored her. She just sighed in defeat, before moving on.

Once she was finished she went back up to the front and started to lecture us. Instead of focusing on her I stared at Vic. Unlike me, he was watching the teacher intently, looking down every once in a while to write down something she said. I noticed that he brushed the hair out of his face often. He should probably just cut it if it's being that much of an inconvenience to him. He licked his lips a lot too, probably because he was dehydrated. Some of his shirt was damp from his hair, and I could just imagine how funny he must've looked washing his dirty brown hair in the bathroom sink at school. I smiled just at the thought of it. He was such a gross loser.

"Kellin." Miss Wels called out to me, quickly gaining my attention. "Could you give us the answer please?"

"To what?" I asked, not caring that I had no idea what was going on.

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