Coming Home

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If someone had come into the room and cast Crucio on her, Harley wouldn't have even felt it, let alone cared. Severus was alive! There were no words to describe her immense relief and joy in that moment, and she refused to leave his side.

All afternoon the two of them spent talking in the Malfoys' parlor, left alone by Harry and Draco for the most part. Both men knew that the two of them had quite a bit to catch up on. Despite his watching over her, there were still things Severus didn't know and wanted to have elaborated upon.

Her shop, her advancements in medicine, her lack of social life (which he scolded her on, because it reminded him too much of himself after Lily's passing), her position at Hogwarts, and of course her nephews and niece.

"They're good kids...once you get past James having Harry's attitude and none of his empathy," Harley said. "Rose, Fred, and Scorpius, too." She smiled and added, "And I'm sure you know about Albus."

At that a soft flush suffused her father's face. "Yes, I saw. At first I was livid, and then I gradually came to understand Potter's line of thinking. It was...flattering. If I'd had a heart, it would have been warmed."

"And Albus looks up to you...well, to the memory of you. He's barely twelve and already he's brilliant at Potions. I've been tutoring him, telling him stories of you in between lessons," Harley said. "He talks to your portrait quite often, though I admit at times I wanted to break the damned thing."

He reached over and again took her hand in his. "There's no need for that now. With me alive, it will be still and silent until my next death."

"Good. I don't want to see that thing again for at least fifty more years." And with wizards' longer lifespan, that was an entirely valid expectation.

Before Severus could respond, the fireplace roared to life. The chairs weren't in its direct line of sight, but they could see the face there well enough: Minerva McGonagall.

"Malfoy! Mr. Malfoy, are you there? I'm looking for Professor Snape, she's not returned yet and I am beginning to be concerned," she called.

Severus squeezed his daughter's hand as the Headmistress said "Professor Snape" while meaning her.

"I'm here, Minerva," Harley replied. "I supposed I lost track of time."

"Quite all right. Well, how was the new Potions candidate? Everything Mr. Malfoy said and more?"

Harley couldn't help the smile that came on her face. She turned to her father and mouthed, "Do you want to teach again?"

He nodded, no hesitation.

"He's better than anyone had any right to expect. I'll be bringing him by this evening," Harley said. "We've just got one stop to make first."

"All right. This is quite a relief. I know you wanted to go back to your shop full-time, and I couldn't stand the thought of another Slughorn. I'll be waiting for your arrival." With that, the fire died down to its normal height.

"What a surprise you'll be," Harley said.

The boys chose that moment to return to the room.

"Aren't you afraid you're going to give old McGonagall heart failure by showing up with a formerly dead person?" Draco asked.

Harry elbowed him in the ribs. "That's not nice! It could actually happen!"

"You underestimate Minerva," Severus said. "She endured my generation, your generation...and now another generation that combined Potters, Weasleys, and Grangers. If she can handle that, I am sure my arrival won't break her constitution." He turned to Harley. "And what is the stop we need to make?"

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