Godfathers, Werewolves, and Wands

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Defence Against the Dark Arts should have been her favourite class, but her last professor had been terrible. She hoped that this Lupin was more competent as the fifth year Gryffindors and Slytherins filed into class on Tuesday.

"Your OWLs are very serious for many of you," he began as class settled down. "We will not be doing boggarts like the third and fourth years. Those will come later. We will be doing Patronus Charms. Who knows what a Patronus is?"

Harley raised her hand, and she said the professor's eyes widen as he said, "Your name, miss?"

Why is he staring at me like that? "Harley Torrance, sir. A Patronus is a protection charm that can drive away many dark creatures, including Dementors and vampires," she said.

"Very good. We will attempt casting a Patronus Charm today, though I advise you all not to expect very much on your first day."

After a bit more information, he lined all the students up and had them try to cast a Patronus one by one. Nearly every student was only able to produce a silvery wisp. Harley and two others-Alicia Spinnet and the Slytherin she only knew as Montague-could not manage even that.

"Brought down to the same level as us mere mortals, eh, Torrance?" Alicia asked with a smirk as class ended.

"What are you talking about?" Harley asked. She and Alicia were not very close, despite sharing a dorm room. Previously, she and the Quidditch player had barely exchanged two words, excluding the duel in fourth year.

"'The best I've seen on the first day'. 'You should have Miss Torrance tutor you'," she mocked in Snape's voice. "Always so smug, being the best. Now you're no better than me."

Harley gave Alicia a long, level look, and said, "I am not better than you because of my grades. I am better than you because I am not a snide little bitch."

At lunch, Harley let out a relieved sigh and sat next to Fred, who was already eating. "This day is endless and it isn't over yet. I was so embarrassed in Lupin's class."

"Why? I barely had a bit of smoke come from my wand," Fred said.

"You did not hear how Spinnet talked to me. ...I wish it were Potions day. I need a subject I'm good at. Not that I do not like Ancient Runes." That was her next subject.

Fred laughed. "You're the only person I know who wishes for extra classes with Snape." He leaned down and kissed her temple affectionately, the first time he had done so at Hogwarts. She noticed a few classmates, including Harry and Alicia, staring incredulously.

Good. Let them all look.

The next day was their first Hogsmeade trip. Harley had been unable to go in fourth year because her parents had not signed her permission slip. They had not signed it this year either, but McGonagall allowed her to go anyway, saying there was a small exception for her case. Harry's aunt and uncle-who were Harley's family as well, she realised-had refused to sign his form, so he was not allowed to go. However, on the way to Hogsmeade, Fred revealed that he and George had given Harry a way to get there anyway.

"You're terrible!" Harley hissed. "You will all get in trouble if they find out."

"They won't," Fred assured her, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"I'll take your word for it. By the by, give me no more details. The less I know the better. Let me keep thinking you're on the straight and narrow, especially since you keep forgetting that I am a prefect now.."

He scoffed, "If I was on the straight and narrow, I wouldn't be so dashing, now would I?"


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