Christmas at Grimmauld Place

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Being woken up all the way in the girls' dorm at three in the morning by your little brother's tortured screams is not the way one wants to wake up after having such a blissful day. After having little connection with Voldemort, Harry had seen something terrible: Arthur Weasley being attacked by Voldemort's giant snake.

After hugging Fred and making sure he was all right, Harley saw her brother and her boyfriend off, taking with them everyone who liked her except for Hermione.

"Do you think he's okay?" Hermione asked. Both girls were in the common room, unable to sleep after all the worry.

Harley shook her head. "If he is alive, then he is not okay. At least, not now. I do not know what kind of snake the Dark Lord has, but I can bet its venom is much worse than what we've worked with in Potions."

Two days later Harley received a note from Molly Weasley, carried by Hedwig. "Arthur will be fine. Snuffles is inviting you and Hermione for Christmas holiday." She nearly spat out her tea, laughing. What the Hell, Snuffles? That was Black's new codename?

The last day of school before break, Harley lingered in Potions before going to pack her bags. "Sir? Will you be coming for Christmas?"

Snape looked up, surprised. "Doubtful that Black would want me around for the holiday itself. I will need to visit over the holiday, after I speak with Dumbledore about Potter's lessons."

Harley nodded. "I will be there, and Black does not like me very much. If you have the chance...I do not know if you have family you go to and I am not trying to pry. I know I have Harry, but our relationship is strained. Except Fred and Mrs. Weasley, I think everyone only really tolerates me. I'd like to have someone there who actually likes me."

"I will try to stop in. I do not wish to have your holiday ruined by an altercation with Black," Snape said. "If I do not come, let me wish you happy Christmas now."

"Thanks, Professor. Happy Christmas."

Back in the dorm, Hermione was already packed. "I'll be stopping at home first, of course, and then going to join you. Won't your family miss you?"

Harley sighed, hoping that no one was listening. "In order to protect the people who adopted me, I had a Memory Charm put on them. They do not know me anymore, and it is for the best. The Dark Lord cannot trace them to me or any other wizards."

She had expected Hermione to reprimand her, but to her surprise she did not. "Oh. Don't you miss them?"

Harley shook her head. "They cared for me, but they were not exactly loving people. I think they were always a little afraid of me. This is better for everyone."

Instead of taking the Hogwarts Express, Harley walked to Hogsmeade and then Apparated right into Grimmauld place, startling Black, Lupin, and Potter, who were all in the living room.

"What the bloody-Harley!" Lupin cried. "You could have done that in the front hall!"

Shedding her cloak she replied, "True. But scaring Snuffles over here was much more entertaining for me. How is Mr. Weasley?"

Her godfather smiled at her. "Now you sounded just like your mum. ...Arthur will be home tonight," Lupin said.

"Thanks to Harry," Black added, smiling at Harry who was not looking exactly pleased. In fact, he was still shaken, it seemed.

"Do not say it like this connection with the Dark Lord is a good thing," Harley said. "It could be dangerous. If he can see his thoughts, who is to say that the opposite is not also true?"

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