Daddy Has Issues

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Harley spent the rest of her holiday holed up in her basement, trying to make heads or tails of the new information she'd gotten.

Her mum could have hidden her for three reasons: one, she didn't want James to know she'd been unfaithful. Two, Harley's father was really in league with Voldemort and she had changed her parentage to protect her. Three, her father was Voldemort, which would explain how she was so drawn to the Dark Arts. She hoped it was the first choice, because she wanted to know her father, if he was in fact still alive as the Hat had said.

Before term began, Harley received her owl with the list of things she'd need to pick up at Diagon Alley. Among the list was a shiny red badge with the letter "P" on it. Harley perused the letter and found that she had been approved to be a prefect! After only attending Hogwarts for one year!

"Your letter of recommendation from Professors McGonagall, Sprout, and Snape were outstanding, and we are happy to have you assisting your fellow Gryffindors," Dumbledore wrote. The list of prefect duties followed, and then there was another note. "As you know, fifth years are required to take their OWLs (Ordinary Wizarding Levels). While all your teachers feel that you are capable of passing every class, if you feel any hesitance in taking them so soon, come speak with me and we can settle the matter privately with the professors."

OWLs. She'd heard the twins grumbling about them, but hadn't realised what they were all about. What would happen if she couldn't pass? Could she have her wand snapped and her powers revoked?

Even worse, would studying for OWLs and being a prefect interfere with her search for her father? If need be, she could get help or bow out till a later date, but she felt that her grades at Hogwarts were more important than even her parentage.

She told her parents she was a prefect, but the joy they had meant very little to her. These were not her parents, despite the fact that they raised her. They had been wonderful, but it was like looking at two strangers now that she knew what she knew. Two strangers who were vaguely fearful when they were around her.

She packed her trunk and went to King's Cross station on September first, and she saw that her friends were all waiting for her. She blanched, realising that she now had to tell Harry that she was his sister. This was going to be interesting.

"Harley, I'm glad you're here," Harry said. "These guys are going crazy over this big news you have for me. Hopefully it's good, because the whole community is worried about that escaped wizard, and I blew my aunt Marge up and almost got thrown in jail myself."

"What escaped wizard?" She asked.

"Sirius Black. The guy on the news," Ron said. "He broke out of a wizard prison, and they're advertising it on Muggle news in case anyone spots him."

"Huh. Even magical prisons are unreliable," Harley commented. "Come on, let's get on the Express and then I will tell you what I found out, Harry. I'm sure it is a better piece of news than you blowing your aunt up or escaped murderers."

Settled on the Hogwart's Express, Fred and George said they'd save Harley a seat in their car after she was done talking with Harry.

"So...I found out who my mum and stepfather were," she said.

"Stepfather? Not your real father?" Harry asked.

She shook her head. "No. For one reason or another, my mum told my stepfather he was my biological father. I am working to find out why, exactly."

"Then who's your mum?" Harry asked.

"If you would quit interrupting me, Potter, I will tell you," Harley said, tight-lipped. "I am your half sister. Your mum was my mum."

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