Inherited Darkness?

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It was astounding all these years she had been told both of her parents had died in a home invasion of some sort. To know that her father had lived, it meant she had the chance to find what family she had. The thing was, how would she find him if she didn't know his name or his face?

It was a problem she could not dwell on the next day, for she had to undergo rigorous tests to be certain of her class placement.

First off was Herbology, which was very easy for her, as she had studied these plants on her own time when she was attempting to mix various potions in her basement. The professor was a bit simple and obviously a pushover to Harley's mind, but she passed the test with flying colours. Harley was already thinking of ways she could use the professor's meek nature to her advantage.

Then was Transfiguration, with McGonagall. That was very fun, but a bit more difficult. She barely passed. That was not something she practiced, but she found she was going to enjoy the challenge. Charms was much easier, and Professor Flitwick (the Head of Ravenclaw) told her she had almost surpassed fourth year skills already.

Defence Against The Dark Arts was more of a written test, and since she had studied vampires and werewolves, she passed that as well. Lockhart helped by being a clueless fool, as she had thought he would be. She seemed to be the only girl in the school who was not enamoured with him.

After lunch, she had a flying lesson with Madam Hooch. Harley was thoroughly embarrassed throughout the entire lesson. It seemed that flying was not her forte at all, and the instructor promised her that, with a few extra lessons, she'd do better.

History of Magic was extremely dull, but she also passed, having read the books Hagrid had given her and more that she had gotten from Flourish and Blotts. If Professor Binns wasn't already dead, she'd have put a Charm on him to speed him up somehow.

She exited the classroom with a relieved sigh, passing Fred, George, and their friend Lee Jordan as she went.

"How's it going?" Fred asked.

"Going quite well, though Binns really should be told he can retire now," she said.

They all laughed. "Where you off to now?" Fred asked.

"Last test: Potions. I think I have got this one covered all things considered," Harley said.

"Yeah, maybe you would if you weren't a Gryffindor," Lee scoffed. "Snape is the Head of Slytherin and he hates us all. He'll take marks off for any small mistake we make. He'll probably put you in first year just to spite the whole House!"

Harley sniffed, "I would love to see him try." She walked down the stairs into the dungeon where Potions class was held, feeling right at home. After all, she spent most of her childhood holed up in her basement making potions and hexing spiders and rats, pretending they were her tormentors.

She'd seen Professor Snape the previous evening at the feast. He'd kept his head down and hadn't said anything before leaving early to catch Harry and Ron as they tried to sneak in, so this was to be the first real impression of the man that all the Gryffindors seemed to hate and fear. Ron had gone on a particularly colourful rant about him the evening prior.

He was bent over his desk, writing with a quill and had seemed not to notice her.

"Hello? Professor?" she said quietly so as not to startle him.

"I hope you did not think that I was unaware of your presence, Miss Torrance," Snape said, his voice low and melodious. He looked up, standing to his full height. He was fair-skinned with the darkest eyes she had ever seen, and long black hair. His expression was searching, and she felt scrutinised as she stood before him. She assumed he must intimidate many of his students. "Tell me, what is the purpose of gillyweed?"

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