Spinner's End

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Harley had no idea what had gone on with Sirius Black until long after her brother and Hermione had used the Time Turner (not that she knew they used it). All she knew was that Black had escaped on the back of a semi-rabid hippogriff and there was something about Hermione repeating, "You attacked a teacher!"

"You ought to be grateful," Harley commented. "By rights, Professor Snape should have expelled all three of you."

He glanced at Harley and then back at the teacher's table. Remus Lupin was not there, and Harley wondered if he was all right.

"Lupin's gone," she commented. "Was that why I heard unusually loud wolf howls coming from the Forbidden Forest last night?"

"Word got out," Harry said glumly. "He's leaving, thanks to someone who couldn't keep his mouth shut." He glowered at Professor Snape, who pretended he didn't feel the angry glare directed at him.

"He was right to inform the parents," Harley said. "Lupin was nice and a great teacher. However, look what happened when he forgot his Wolfsbane Potion just one time. You all could have died because of him...you would have died if Professor Snape had not been there. It isn't Lupin's fault, of course, but this is for the best."

"How could you say that?" Harry asked. "He's your godfather!"

"Yes, and he also thinks I might become a Dark Lord supporter, so let's just say not having his eyes on me constantly is going to be a relief." Harley looked down at her plate. She would have liked a relationship with her godfather, to be able to hear stories about her mum. "And what about your criminal godfather? Run off miraculously with Buckbeak?"

Harry looked sheepish and did not respond.

"You let him go, didn't you?" Harley continued, her voice low so no one could overhear aside from their present company.

"It's a long story, Harley," Hermione said. "And hard to tell right now." She gestured to Dumbledore, who had now turned his attention to the Gryffindor table.

Harley and the other fifth years stood. It was OWL day, and nearly the end of term. For once, Harley couldn't wait to get out of Hogwarts. She had a lot of research to do on a certain Eileen Prince.

"Harry?" She asked, later that night, once her tests had been taken. "I know you and I are not the best of friends, but I could really use a favour right now."

"That depends," Harry said.

"I need to borrow your cloak."

"What? Why?" He asked, alarmed.

She held a hand up. "I'm not going to turn it in. I just need to borrow it and that map of yours that the twins gave you. I found my grandmother's name, my father's mother. I want to research her in the student records, and those are in the restricted area. I tried getting McGonagall to give me a waver to get in, but she refused."

"What about Snape? He seems like he'd give you the whole library if you asked," Harry said, almost as an accusation.

"What would I tell him? He teaches Potions. There's nothing I'd need from him in the restricted section of the library."

Harry said, "I'll give you the cloak but I bet you won't be able to get the map to work." He handed her both.

"Well, how does the map work?" She wondered.

He just smiled, acting quite like an infuriating baby brother.

Harley took out her wand and said, "Reveal." Just like with Snape, the map started spewing out insults.

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