Protective Professor

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The next morning, Harley cornered Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "I heard something you might be interested in, regarding Sirius Black," she said quietly. Their dorm was mostly empty, but two other third-year boys were still there.

"About what he did to my dad and our mum?" Harry asked.

"What? I heard he was a friend of your father's," Harley said. "What did he do to them?"

Hermione and Ron exchanged looks. "Um, you might want to sit down, Harley," Hermione said, having mostly forgiven Harley for her anti-Muggle born slur.

Harry then proceeded to explain what he had overheard McGonagall saying in the Three Broomsticks during the Hogsmeade weekend. Harley felt her knees go out from under her as she plopped into the nearest armchair. He had gotten them killed. He had killed her mother, prevented her from ever being happy with her father. Prevented James from knowing his son.

"I will bloody murder him," Harley said. Her anger at James had taken a backseat to the man who had killed her mother. "I hope he does show up here: I want to watch him die. I want to see the Dementors take his soul."

"Now you two sound related," Ron commented, gesturing between Harley and Harry, who did indeed have identical expressions of rage on their faces. Harley wondered if their mother had had a temper.

They went down to breakfast, Harley's mind never stopping, going between Sirius Black, her father, and her godfather, who had also been a friend of Black's. At least, judging by his hints, he was going to protect Harry and Harley from Black.

Her distraction of the day came as their double Potions class ended. Harley was the last to leave the room, holding hands with Fred and listening to him and George talk about something they found in Zonko's. It felt odd to be holding hands; she'd never done it before. It was nice, to have that warm comfort from another's touch, though.

As they reached the door, Snape said, "Mr. Weasley. I need to speak with you."

"Which one of us?" George asked.

Snape's eyes narrowed and he said, "You," pointing at Fred. "Miss Torrance, you're a prefect: please let the students waiting to come in know that I will be a moment."

"Certainly, sir," she said, letting go of Fred's hand.

He pretended to grip her and plead, "Don't leave me!"

Harley shook her head, exiting with George and closing the dungeon door behind them. The class waiting to file in were the third year Slytherins and Gryffindors.

"What's happening?" Malfoy asked, arms crossed.

"Professor Snape is in a conference with a student," Harley announced. "As prefect, he asked me to inform you that class will be delayed a few moments."

Harry and Ron exchanged looks. "Who?" Ron asked.

"Fred," George said. "I hope he comes out alive and not cooked in a potion."

Harley gave him a nudge. "Quit that. You're not supposed to talk that way about professors. One warning is all you get."

Fred had been surprised to be called back by Snape. Since he knew Harley respected the Potions Master, he had tried to behave himself in Potions class. He wanted her to be happy he was her boyfriend, not ashamed or upset with him. What on Earth had he done?

"Was there something wrong with my potion, sir?" He asked.

"No. For once, you got an 'Acceptable' on your potion," Snape drawled. "I wanted to speak with you about something you haven't yet done. I have recently noticed your...relationship with Miss Torrance. As you know, she is the brightest student, not just in this class, but in the entire year. Your relationship has already gotten her negative attention from Alicia Spinnet."

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