The Music Box

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Harley did not have a lie in. Indeed, she was already bored out of her mind with one night of bedrest and having Alicia shoot daggers at her with her eyes

"You would think she'd be afraid to look at me, since I survived her assassination attempt," Harley told Fred as they were walking to Potions that Monday. "Don't you think she would be worried I would want revenge?"

"I honestly have no idea. I'm the funny guy, remember? You want someone to understand your brooding ideas, you might be better off talking to Snape," he said, half joking.

They settled down in their seats, Fred and George keeping Harley in between them and away from Alicia.

Snape slammed the door and stalked to the front of the class. "As you know, the antidote lesson was unfortunately cancelled on Friday, and you also have no homework to hand in. I have been teaching this class for thirteen years, and never once have I needed to use that antidote. Not even when I was a student was this necessary. I will be watching you very closely, Spinnet, when you are in this room, since there are numerous poisons here.

"Today we will work on a different antidote, this one counteractive to the potion called Draught of Living Death." He flicked his wand and the directions appeared on the board in his distinctive, rushed cursive. "Begin."

Harley concentrated on her potion, smacked Fred when he tried cheating off of her, and effectively ignored Alicia as she tried to glare at Harley from around Fred. At the end of class, Harley was kept back by Snape.

"This is, unfortunately, a headmaster appointed conference," the Potions Master began. "With what happened over the weekend, Dumbledore is concerned that you might be feeling...vengeful."

Harley was silent, not wanting to confirm or deny just yet.

"As a former victim of near-deadly pranks, I know precisely how you feel. I know the spells you're thinking of, and the potions you want to brew. No need to say anything, I know this from experience. I also know that, when you came to this school, Dumbledore trusted me with keeping you from the Dark Arts.

"So far, I like to think that you needed very little guidance from me to stay in the light, but I can imagine what you're feeling."

Harley smirked. "Let me get this straight, Professor. You trust me and think that you did not ever need to sway me from the Dark. However, Dumbledore thinks I need constant supervision from you because he does not. Does he think that being a Dark witch is inherited?"

Snape did not break eye contact. "Dumbledore knows your father did much more than dabble in the Dark Arts, and he worries. He likes to think the best of everyone, which is why he made me be your advisor. I have experience in the Dark, enough to warn you away from it. There is no doubt that you're interested, correct?" He asked.

She nodded. "Of course I am interested. Who wouldn't want revenge and power?"

"Yes, who wouldn't?" He stood up, appearing restless. "But it is my responsibility to stop you from following your father's path."

"Professor, of course I want revenge. Of course I only got through today by picturing the most vile things being done to Spinnet. Of course I'd love to be able to exact a lot of revenge on all my Muggle tormentors. That's not the point. The point is, I will not do it. It's in me to do it, but I know better," Harley said. "And sir, it should not be your responsibility to keep me safe."

"I'm glad to hear that. It is, in a way, my responsibility. You are my best student, and you could go down in history as the best potioneer Hogwarts ever produced. I feel personally invested in your future, and I am proud of what you have accomplished so far," he said.

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