Mary Sue Tag

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Mary Sue- an OC who is perfect in every way and who everyone loves.

We all have flaws, imperfections and people who just don't like us. None of us are perfect, so why should our characters be? True, they are purely fictional but who doesn't love reading about a character who is believable and one you can relate too? If you enjoy reading about them, you'll probably love writing about them too.

I was tagged by GerithorDunedain to list examples of three of my non Mary-Sue OCs. And if any of them do not fit the bill please tell me and we'll talk.


Lindar (The New Evil) This story is still somewhat relatively new to me so bare with me.

Strengths-  One word to describe her is determined. Determined not to be pitied or seen as weak. Her weakness is what keeps her strong. She is thoughtful and has a great memory and her senses are enhanced.  I believe her brother, Wacion, is another strength in her life. Someone to fill the gap where her handicap restrains her. Though he worries about her, he gives her encouragement and believes in her.

Weakness-  Lindar is blind from birth. No matter how well she copes with it, it does not change things. Every day she is reminded of the fact and deep down it frustrates her, though she would never say it. Due to her strong will she tends to try to do things on her own rather than ask for help. No experience with weapons, she's practically defenseless.

Mark (Log Off)

Strength- A clever, smooth- talking FBI agent. Not really muscular but still strong. Quick on his feet and is willing to defend others in a moment's notice.

Weakness - A bad fear of heights
and he watched his father get shot when he was 8. (In Masquerade) He has nightmares of this often and the only reason he joined the police force in the beginning was to get revenge on the man. Mark doesn't always have the answers and most of the time he has to act on instinct.

Emily (Thankful)

Strengths- Not sure if stubborn is a good trait or not. Not easily swayed nor is she one to give up what she sets her mind too. Later on in the book she accepts Jesus and her attitude changes. Gentle, understanding and patient. She has hope for the future. Even before this change, Betty always seemed to have a small soft spot in her heart that she hated to accept. In the end she becomes 'Thankful.'

Weakness - After becoming an orphan Emily is full of hate, wrath and bitterness, even to the point where she lashes out at people. She hates God, herself and those around her. She deals with a lot or regret and anger.

I hope you found these to be helpful examples.



And anyone else who wants to do this!!

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