Another tag

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I was tagged by monstercup61176

1)my favorite movie? Lord of the Rings

2)my favorite book? WAY too many to just name 1!! Narnia series, lotr series, little women, Treasure island, rangers apprentice series, hunger games series and literally every book by Margaret Peterson haddix! She is an amazing writer!!

3)my favorite band? I don't really have a favorite band but newsboys, third day and casting crowns are cool

4)my favorite song? Currently the last goodbye and oceans by hillsong

5)my favorite food? Most definitely cheese pizza rolls!!!

6)my least favorite food? Not a fan of ham

7)my favorite fandom? It's between narnia and lotr

8)my favorite fictional character? Sam in the lotr. "Frodo wouldn't have got far without sam!!!!!"

9)my favorite animal? Horses, dolphins and elephants. Yeah I know I named 3.

10)my favorite TV show? The BBC Robin Hood

My questions:

1) one thing you never leave home without

2) board games or video games?

3)coke or pepsi?

4)all time favorite dessert?

5)what do you think is your biggest accomplishment? (So far)

6)what is your school mascot? (Very random I know)

7)what state/country do you live in? (If you don't feel comfortable answering it's ok.)

8)would you rather read fan fiction or write fan fiction?

9)favorite season?

10)How are you?

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