
78 4 0

I was tagged by monstercup61176

Weird facts about me:
I have (currently) no desire to get my driver's license. I love old movies and classic books

Favorite food:
Cheese pizza rolls and ice cream

First fandom:
It's a tie between Narnia and the Lord of the Ring

Best friends:
My mom and sister are my closest friends. I also have lots of friends on piccollage and wattpad!

Current lock screen:
A collage of Narnia and lotr qoutes

Five fears:
1) missing the rapture
2)fire (things catching on fire at home)
3)car wrecks

What do I look like:
I have kinda short brown naturally curly hair. Hazel eyes. I wear glasses.

Favorite song:
The last goodbye, oceans, this is amazing grace, my heart will go on, the revelations song, the call, Santa Fe

Why I made this account:
I always loved reading and my sister, morbidbunny, was the one who told me about it. I used to write stories when I was little but stopped until now. I joined wattpad November 2014. I noticed on the list of stories I have planned (yes I love lists) it goes from fanfiction to fiction

Favorite character and why:
Well Sam is my favorite, Frodo wouldn't have got far without sam. And lucy from narnia is pretty cool.

If I tag you just answer the same questions


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