A gun.

Parker was quick to turn around. My mouth went dry as I saw Kyan pointing a very large gun at Parker.

"Now I have you where I want you," Darius spoke. His voice suddenly dark and sinister.

My eyes suddenly widened with realization. This was all a trick. A plan that would get Parker in the position that would lead to his death.

It all made sense now. They knew that my wolf would lead him to me. They knew that if they killed him, my mark on his neck would be gone. If it is gone, then I am capable of mating with another male and be able to have their child. If I hadn't marked Parker, then Darius could have already mated with me.

I turned back to Darius, my heart slamming into my chest. I glared at him.

"Why me?" I growled out, "Why do you want me? Mate with someone else!"

"Sorry, no can do." The smirk on his face grew, "say good-bye to your partenaire, Jasmine."

I felt a hand wrap around my own. Sparks crawled up my arm and I turned to face Parker. Tears started to fill my eyes. There was no way in hell, that I would let Parker die.

I stared at Parker in the eyes, he doesn't look like he's going to give up.

Someone else's voice brought our attention away from each other. "How about you say good-bye."

Darius turned around startled. I looked around him to see Kyle pointing a gun at him.

"I wouldn't do that, brother," Kyan spoke with an evil glint in his eyes. "If you shoot him, I'll shoot the both of them."

Kyle's determined face didn't diminish. He confidently kept the gun pointed at Darius, who didn't look afraid at all.

My eyes found Kyle's. "Shoot him, Kyle. It's okay. If he's dead then it will be all over," I reassured him, even though fear crawled its way through me. Parker's grip on my hand tightened.

Kyle's eyes softened a bit, but hardened when Kyan chuckled out loud.

"Listen to her, Kyle. Kill him."

Darius looked as if he knew something we didn't. I was about to say something but stopped when I watched Kyle lift his gun, changing targets. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger and a loud gunshot filled the air.

Kyan's eyes were wide and his gun slipped from his hands. We watched as he collapsed to the ground, blood soaking through his shirt and became motionless.

I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

Kyan was dead.

Growls came as a bunch of wolves jumped from around the corners. Parker's warriors. But Rogues followed closely behind.

That's when all hell broke loose. The sound of gunshots filled the air as the hunters took action. My head pounded with the sound, my vision blurring slightly. I forgot that my heat was still there. It faded away when Parker held my hand, but now was coming back since he let go.

Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead. I then felt Parker grab my elbow.

"We need to get you out of here before someone else notices you're in heat," he told me while pulling me away.

I wanted to protest because we needed to help, but I knew that it wouldn't be a good idea.

"Wait!" I quickly stopped walking. Parker stopped and turned around to face me, concerned.

"There's someone we need to get," I said before quickly turning around to the place we came from and towards the dungeons. Parker gave me a confused look but sighed.

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