Chapter 34

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"Wait a minute..." Harold, who was dancing along with the others in the living room out of the joy of three weddings coming up, held his hands up, "As joyful as three wedding may will definitely empty out all of our pockets."

"I agree upon that, Harold," Richard nodded in realization. 

"I do too," Franklin scrunched up his face as he tried to come up with a solution.

"Why, that hasn't even crossed our minds," Gabriella raised both her hands to her cheeks in worry. 

"Aha!" Franklin snapped his fingers, "How about this?" Everyone in the living room were all ears. 

"We can have all three weddings together! On the same day! Just imagine how much cost that would cut!"

"Now that's a million dollar idea, my friend!" Harold slapped Franklin on his back.

"Oh that would be perfect!" Isabella clasped her hands in bliss then frowned slightly, "Well, we need to make sure it's alright with the girls and the boys...these are their weddings after all."

Gabriella turned to her daughter and Meredith and Lilly, "My girls, have you been wanting your own special weddings?"

"Oh mother!" Jenny held her mother's soft hands, "The three of us have been dreaming of having our weddings together, for the past four years!"

Gabriella gasped happily, "Is that right, my dear?" she looked at Meredith then Lilly.

"We couldn't want anything more, Aunt Gabriella," Lilly gave her future mother-in-law a warm smile. 

"Oh, my pumpkins!" Valeria hugged all three of the girls at the same time, "You really don't know how much easier you've made our lives, in just a single day!"

"Yes that's right!" Isabella piped in, "You've all agreed to the wedding proposals, with barely any hesitation, and you've agreed - no, want - to have your weddings together..oh," she turned to the rest of the adults, "We are blessed with the best children, aren't we?" 

"Yes, we sure are!" Gabriella chimed and the fathers chuckled in full agreement and gratefulness. 

"Oh! I forget to tell you folks something," Alexander suddenly mentioned after having not spoken in a while, "There is a success party - well, a ball, actually - for the Union victory, tomorrow at around 6 in the evening, and the soldiers are welcome to bring along their families!"

"Son, you're only telling us this now!" Gabriella softly smacked his shoulder, "Harold and I will be fine, but you youngsters, I believe, don't have your outfits ready yet!"

Richard beamed, "How about you folks go shopping today for your gowns and suits! This is also a wonderful way to get to know each other, if you know what I mean," he chuckled and the other fathers joined in as well. 

"Oh, Richard," Isabella chided, "They've known each other for four years!" then she turned to the to-be couples, "But, really, it's a perfect opportunity to spend time with each other," Isabella smiled kindly. 

"Mother," Meredith whined, "All we've been doing is walking and traveling all day, we need to rest!"

"You never really walked, you know," George pointed out, "In fact, I've been walking and you got to sit on the horse for quite a long time!"

"Oh my!" Isabella gasped, "Meredith! You let this poor man tire out his legs!"

"Aunt Isabella," George chuckled, "Don't worry, for the majority of the time we were all riding on a bus."

"Well that's good," Valeria grinned then announced, "I think it's best that we meet up by the market a block from here in an hour...they really do need some time to rest first...and I also could really use some shopping."

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