Chapter 6

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Cassandra had to rub her eyes and for a few moments she thought she was dreaming.

Did her husband hear her voice among all the others?

Or was it just an instinct he had that she was in trouble?

No, that only happens to couples that are deeply in love with each other.

Obviously, he didn't feel like that with her.

The man that had carried her away helplessly fell to the ground, next to her.

Instantly she stumbled away.

The other man who was holding a dagger simply ran away.

She had a tough husband - another thing that she had learned about him since they got married.

Alexander gave the man lying on the ground one last kick - where the sun doesn't shine - and immediately he grabbed Cassandra by that upper arm and started running towards his horse.

"Cassandra, I'll explain everything later. But for now, go on this horse and find the safest hiding spot you can find; even if that means going to another town - understand?"

"Yes, but I don't know how to ride a ho-"

Before she knew it he had already went. Cassandra wasn't the only one in that town in danger!

"How do I do this!?" she asked herself in frustration. She managed to get the horse walking - she was too scared to get it running, surely she would have fallen off...for the third time in one hour.


"Alex, when did they come into town?"

"Not more than an hour ago, George, that's for sure," Alexander replied, tensed.

Another man approached them.

"It seems to be that they fled away once again. Did you all manage to hide your families?"

"Yes, we all did, Fernando - but I'm not sure about Alexander."

"That's right," another man joined in, "He made this wonderful decision to make his wife escape with his horse!"

"It was the best I could do at that moment, for all I know!" Alexander attempted to defend himself.

"Alexander, do you expect that poor woman to gallop away somewhere by herself?"

Alexander flinched. "By herself."

"For Lord's sake does she even know how to ride one?"

It just struck him.

How on earth was she supposed know how to run away with it if she didn't even have a clue about how to get it to start and stop walking?

"Oh dear Lord, Henry, I haven't even thought of that!"

"Well? Go find her Alex!"

This was going to take a while.


Luckily, Cassandra hadn't gone quite far; she was still in the town, and just near the place where she started getting the horse to walk.

Who knew that all it took to get a horse moving is just by giving it a small kick at its sides?

She managed to hide herself and the horse in the stables during the chaos, an area which the Red Cobras seemed to have forgotten to attack - thankfully.

When the coast was clear, she slowly came out of the place which smelled quite terrible.

There was no one nearby to ask for help. She was hesitant to yell for Alexander again because in case one of the attackers was still in town, she would have led herself to her own death.

She hopped back on the horse again, without any help, surprisingly.

It wasn't easy to ride a horse while wearing a dress!

"Where would Alexander be now? Is his family okay?" Cassandra worriedly thought to herself.

As she was in deep thought she unconsciously flung her two feet at the sides of the horse.

Oh no.

Immediately the horse began to gallop too swiftly and she lost control over it. The poor woman was ready to fall off but she just clutched tightly onto the reins, hoping that this horse knew where it was going.

Surprisingly, it did.

Eventually a few men, all of about the same height, came to her view.

The horse made a very sharp turn and came to an extremely sudden stop, easily causing poor Cassandra to fall off - but this time she didn't feel the pain of falling onto the hard ground.

In a blink of an eye, she was in the strong arms of Alexander.

She couldn't help but flush at the feeling, and yes, he noticed it this time.

But to her surprise, he wasn't mad...yet a small smirk came across his elegant face.

The other men couldn't help but give mischief glances towards each other.

Softly, he placed her on her feet.

"So Cassandra," Alexander began, "you don't seem to have a pleasant history with horses do you?"

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