Chapter 29

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April 29th, 1863 (one year later)

Spotsylvania County, VA

The Union army were gifted with another wise general, Joseph Hooker. He was to guide the Union soldiers in their tactics to defeat the Confederates in their upcoming battle, the Battle of Chancellorsville.

"Soldiers," Joseph Hooker began after gathering everyone near him, "The plan that we are about to execute in the battle isn't an ordinary one, so keep your attention only here!" and the soldiers obeyed. 

"We are going to lead Stonewall Jackson and his Confederates into the wilderness. I took a stroll there a couple of days ago. In this place, it's very difficult to even see properly, since it's quite dense." 

George,  who was among the crowed, asked, "But then how will we able to fight them there, if we can barely see?"

"This is why," Joseph Hooker replied, "I'll be taking you all there today and we'll plan accordingly." 

Alexander, who was feeling Jack's presence behind him the entire time, noticed that he wasn't there anymore. 

"One more important thing, very important actually," he continued, "I'll be dressed as a Confederate."

A few murmurs spread among the soldiers.

"We'll be able to finish off as many Confederates possible this way," Hooker added, "Don't worry, I'm sure none of you will mistaken me for one, because I've already notified you about this just now."


 "One more important thing, very important actually."

Jack was listening attentively when suddenly a big hand covered his mouth and a couple arms lifted and dragged him away. 

Once the hand was off his mouth, he yelled, "Who are you! Why have you taken m-"

The men who took him started to kick him down to the ground. Jack was beginning to loose energy from trying to get away from their grasps and kicks.  

Moments later one of the men whined in pain, then so did the other. 

If it wasn't for Alexander, Jack would have been pulp by now. Hoping to get information from them, Alexander made his way to drag them both towards the crowd of soldier, but in vain. The two men were able to escape and run away. 

"Are you alright?" Alexander asked as he lend his hand to help Jack up. 

"I'm fine, and thank you," Jack said gratefully, "but how did you know I was here?"

"I noticed your absence a few minutes ago, then I saw you being dragged away by a couple of men, most likely they were Confederates," Alexander replied as he stared at them men running away. 

"We could have gotten them! Why did you change your mind?" Jack asked confused and partially yelled. 

"It was because we had Eithan captured that they took Captain Joseph," Alexander expression turned from an angry to a sad one from the remembrance. 

"Fair enough," Jack commented as they started heading back to the others. 


A couple hours later, all the soldiers reached the wilderness to begin planning their tactics and positions. It didn't take quite long to get everything finalized and eventually the soldiers, along with General McClellan and General Hooker, returned to their camp. 

The next day

As planned the Union soldiers pulled an attack on the Confederates and Joseph Hooker, dressed as a Confederate, lead them to the wilderness. 

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