Chapter 23

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June 24, 1862

After several hours of practice and discussing battle tactics with each other, the soldiers walked back to their tents for a good night's sleep in order to successfully battle the next day.

As Alexander and his friends walked back to their tent, he pulled aside George.

"I need to talk to you, George," he said calmly.

"What is it, Alexander?"

"George, is it just me, or do also seem to notice that you are a bit....nervous often? Especially when it comes to the battles?"



"Well, I guess I could see what you mean..."

Alexander placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I understand that it's not easy to do things you find wrong, such as taking away the lives of hundreds. But are we left with any other choice when it comes to the duty of a soldier?"

George sighed, upset about himself.

"There are times it's necessary to take such actions in order to defend and gain victory for our country."

"I...I know," George began, "but sometimes, I...I worry that once I die, I'll be burning up in hell."

Alexander couldn't help but chuckle, "Oh George, why would you think such a thing? According to your logic, then we'd all be burning up in hell after we die! And if we knew that that was the case, then there probably wouldn't be any soldiers in the first place."

"That's true," George grinned.

"Come on, we need a good sleep for tomorrow."

Alexander and George began walking back to their tent, when suddenly they heard a piercing scream.


The nurses had dinner and were returning to their tent.

"Cassandra, wait!" Meredith rushed to Cassandra, "I lost my ring but I think I know were I can find it."

"Meredith, have you gone mad! It's night!"

"Please Cassandra, it's just around here somewhere!"

Cassandra sighed, "Fine, but let's make it quick."

After a few minutes of searching, Cassandra spotted the ring sitting next to a large tree, "Found it! Now let's go!"

As they were running back to the tent, they were stopped by a short and stout scary-looking old man.

The girls froze, having no idea of what to do at the moment.

Cassandra eyes darted towards a symbol that was stitched onto his coat - he was a Confederate.

Slowly, the man pulled out a knife and a rope from behind him.

Meredith screamed and Cassandra just stared wide-eyed in shock, having lost her breath.

Within the blink of an eye, the man grabbed them both by their arms and lead them to the large tree where they found the ring.

Somehow, before they were able to escape, he quickly tied them up to the tree with his rope and then stared at them with a smirk on his disgusting face.

Tapping his knife on his fat hand, he circled them giving out a nasty chuckle.

Suddenly he held the knife at Cassandra's neck and she could feel his breaths next to her face. Poor Cassandra was ready pass out.

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