Chapter 7

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She just stood there staring back at him.

Really? Really Alexander?

"At least I managed to get it walking," Cassandra defended.

He didn't say anything but smirked, and for the first time, she noticed that he had a deep dimple on his left cheek.

As she turned on her heels to walk towards the horse, she accidentally stepped on the inside of her long dress and fell flat on her face.

The other men threw their heads back in laughter, and Alexander just stood there revealing his perfect alignment of snow white teeth towards her, letting out a soft chortle.

Surely he wouldn't have done that if she had actually gotten hurt.

As her face started to become tomato red, Alexander trotted towards her and held out his hand.

Although she was a little upset with him as he had chuckled along with the others when she fell, she didn't want to let her ego keep her from appreciating the offering was already quite surprising that he even did that.

Somewhat gratefully, Cassandra took his hand and he helped her up.

She bumped onto his hard chest as he pulled her to her feet.

The other men began to whisper to each other with a hint of excitement, for some odd reason.

"Anyways," Alexander began, "I assume that you haven't found my parents yet after I left you...?"

"I was able to recognize their home and as I was heading towards it," she replied, "some man grabbed me by the arm and lifted me away."

"And then I came, didn't I?" he raised one of his eyebrows as he continued for her, with a tone of mischievousness.

Well that was a little...odd.


The men eventually split and went back to their homes to check on their families. Thankfully, all of them were safe, including Alexander's parents and siblings.

"Alexander!" his father yelled to him, "why would you do such a thing to your dear wife?"

"I'm not sure what you're referring to, father," Alexander replied, confused.

"Oh don't you dare play innocent with me young man!" his mother angrily said to him.

"Leaving your wife stranded in the streets? Having her ride a horse by herself? That too with absolutely no experience?"

"Father, who told-"

"Henry," his mother calmly replied.

"If it weren't for your younger brother, we wouldn't know of other atrocities you, my son, may have committed to your newly wedded wife!"

Before he could open his mouth to defend himself, his mother turned towards Cassandra.

"Oh my dear girl, how are you? How have you been these days?"

"Oh I've been fine Gabriella, how have you and Harold been?" Cassandra replied and smiled sweetly.

"We've been so wonderful!" She continued on as she began making some tea for everyone, "But it must be quite a pain to live with a strict and serious man like Alexander! Has he been giving you trouble, my dear?"

"Well...," should you lie Cassie?

"No, he hasn't...but he doesn't talk much," she hesitantly replied giving a soft, nervous chuckle.

She couldn't lie completely!

As soon as she said that she felt Alexander's stare on her. She couldn't tell from the corner of her eye if it was a glare or not, but she didn't want to risk checking.

"Is that true, Alexander?" a voice from behind spoke up.

Alexander turned around only to see his teenage sister with a frown on her face, wearing a simple cotton red dress.

"You tell him, Jenny," Harold urged.

"Ever since the day I met Cassandra, I could tell from every single one of her actions that she would be a very devoted and caring wife - I could just see it in her eyes! That innocence! How could you not see that Alexander? What kind of heart would you have to treat her in such a cruel manner?" Jenny exclaimed at him.

"Cruel manner?! She must be exaggerating. What is it with these women anyway, understanding each other and all...why don't men do that often too?" He thought to himself, annoyed.

And then there was a confused and worried Cassandra.

Oh no.

Although she was really interested in where this argument was going - especially because, as mean as it may sound, Alexander seemed hopeless - Cassandra surely didn't want to be the reason for Alexander being yelled at by everyone.

She'd probably get it from him when they got home.

Then it had just struck her.

They weren't going home together after this.

He was supposed to head for the battles.

An Undecided Fateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن