Chapter 5

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Cassandra stared at her teary eyed husband.

She was able to analyze that there's a possibility that he was going to miss her, but why? He hardly ever spoke to her! At the moment the thought struck her, she was a little touched – even though it didn't make much sense to her.

But many things don't make sense in life anyway.

"Alexander, please forgive me! Please do!" Cassandra pleaded, nearly in tears, but Alexander avoided her gaze.

She continued, "I too have always wanted us to share pleasant moments together, but I was scared Alexander! I was scared of you and what you would do if I tried."

Right after she mentioned that, he turned back to her and stared into what seemed like her soul.

She was quite intimidated, but hopeful at the same time.

She wasn't really sure if it was real, or merely an illusion, but it seemed like his face softened a bit.

Oh Lord, please tell me that he is forgiving me!

"You only have to walk a little further and you'll see my parents waiting for you outside their house," Alexander said roughly and left with his horse.

All right then, he had other plans in mind.

He just left his own wife there, on the ground, by herself.

It hurt very much when he forcefully threw her on the ground, so it took a while for the poor woman to get up and start walking.


The issue of slavery had created such a strong division between the North and the South; in fact, it was as if they were two separate nations. A violent group of people from the South who strongly supported slavery had come to the North and started to attack many innocent families – they called themselves the "Red Cobras." They had just come to the town where Alexander and Cassandra lived in and decided to split up to do their "jobs."


"Oh Dear Lord," Cassandra muttered to herself, "My legs feel as if they are being hammered down!"

She was about to reach his parents' home when suddenly, she felt a firm grip on her upper arm.

Cassandra was hopeful that Alexander had finally come to take her and maybe apologize, but she turned around only to see two huge men with very angry faces, one of them holding a dagger.

Before she could even process what was going on, she started to hear screams from nearby stores and houses and began seeing people slaughtered.

The Red Cobras have come to attack.

"Leave me!" Cassandra screamed with fear and anger, "Let go of me, you fools!"

Yet they acted as if they couldn't comprehend – or didn't want to comprehend.

The man that held her swung her up on his back and was running with the other man.

"Where are you taking me?!" she cried, but like before there was no response – just actions.

This time, he smacked her right on her bottom.

How dare he?!

She wasn't sure if it would be any use, but she decided to scream for Alexander – though he probably wouldn't be able to hear her with the screaming of others in the air.

"ALEXANDER!!!" she screamed, "ALEXANDER!!!"

She screamed again and again until her voice was nearly gone.

What if he was slaughtered along with the others?

The thought terrified her to death and started to bring hot tears to her eyes.

She pounded as hard as she could on the man's back, but it didn't seem to cause him any sort of pain at all, unfortunately.

In the blink of an eye, she was thrown on the ground – again.

Yet the man didn't intentionally throw her down.

It was because that fool was being attacked by someone else, and it wasn't by that other man who was holding the dagger.

It was her husband, Alexander. 

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