Dare #52

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SardonyxGem123"I dare Wally to wear a superman costume and save Slappy from Mary Ellen!

Slappy: Hahaha WHAT!?

Mary-Ellen:FINALLY!!!*hugs Slappy* We can spend some time together*

Slappy: .....HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!

Mary-Ellen: Please!! I'm here to torture you*smirks, about to kiss Slappy*

Wally:*bursts through a door,wearing the Superman costume*DON'T WORRY!! SUPERMAN IS HERE!!


Mary-Ellen: Well Wally!! your not going to be a hero!!Because I have this*holds up her phone and it  shows an Episode of Barney*

Wally:AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!*runs out of the room*

Slappy: ....

{A few hours later}

Wally:*still dressed as Superman*

Slappy:You do realize you can take that off...Right?

Wally: I can Wear Whatever I want!!

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