Dare #39

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BeckyLynn613"I dare Stine to bring Slappy and Wally with him to the grocery store "

Stine:*driving to the grocery store*I want you two to behave when we are in the store,OK?

Slappy:Don't worry,Papa

Wally: Yeah we got this

Stine:*sighs* I now regret bringing you guys

{At the grocery store}

Slappy:*has a box of cookies in his hand*

Stine: Slappy No!!

Slappy: What!?Why?

Stine: You have donuts at home!!Your not getting any more Junk food!! That's final!!

Slappy: Fine!!!*turns around*

Stine:*looks at some box's of cereal, leaving the Cart*

Wally:*sneaking some box of Waffles in the cart*

Slappy:*comes back with the Box of cookies and a bag of Candy and puts them in the cart*

{1 minute of Slappy and Wally filling the cart with Junk food}

Wally: I think that what we need

Slappy: Wait... One more thing!*gets a bag of Sour patch Kids and put's it in the Cart*

Wally: Wow...

Slappy: Don't say anything, you were the one that filled the cart with boxes of Waffles!!

Wally: Don't judge me!!

Stine:*comes back* Okay guys let's go!*taking the cart not noticing Slappy and Wally laughing*

{2 minutes later}

Stine: Guys!!I'm not going to buy all of this!!

Wally and Slappy: Why?

Stine: Because No!!

Wally and Slappy: Why?


Wally and Slappy: Why?


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