Dare #51

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Marinette_Dupain15"Dare: Can slappy and Stine switch places for 7 hours?"

Stine: Okay that sounds interesting

Slappy: Being an Adult is not that hard

Stine: Oh really well then this is your opportunity to be an Adult then

Slappy:*shrugs* Okay fine

{Few hours later}

Stine:*in Slappy, Wally & Snappy's's room*

Snappy:*sitting on his bed* Okay this is weird

Wally:*looks at Snappy* Your noticing that now?

Stine: Guys I'm right here you know!!

Wally:*smirks* Since your our "Brother",that means we can punch you as much as we want! Right Snappy

Snappy:Your right*cracks his knuckles*

Stine: Wait No!-

- 15 minutes later-

Stine:*walks to the kitchen* So how's dinner going "Papa"?

Slappy: Going great!!I'm making Calzones!*finishes setting up the table and serves the food on the plate* I clean the bathroom, I took out the trash, Oh also I Cleaned out the Attic! That place was a mess!! And Of course organized the Refrigerator alphabetical order!!

Stine: *shocked* You had time to do all that... Under 3 hours

Slappy: It's not hard... Not for me, Since I like living in a clean and organized environment

Wally: Yeah it's true, he freaked out when he saw the basement filled with boxes and dirty shoes

Slappy:*shivers* Oh the horror

Snappy:*eating* yeah everyone in this house is safe from the germs

Slappy: Did you wash your hands before you starting eating?

Snappy:*groans* Yes!


Snappy:*gets up and thinks "and I'm related to the guy..."

Slappy:*looks at Wally* You too

Wally: -_- Okay

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