Dare #41

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dragonblue2733I dare Dennis, Wally, rocky, and Mary Ellen to learn for a test and slappy to become the examiner during the test

Slappy:*puts on Stine's glasses* You guys should start reading!

Wally:*growls* I don't want be here*reading one of the books Slappy gave him*

Mary-Ellen: It's going to be a wonderful, Slappy's going to be our teacher~*holding up her book, giggling*


Dennis: Oh Slappy!!It's gonna Be fun!! I promise!!

Rocky: I was in middle of Watching Thomas the train!!

Slappy and Wally:*both looks at Rocky* What...??

Rocky:Hey You both watch Kid's shows too not just me!

Dennis: That goes a lot to Wally....He stays at home on the couch all day!

Wally:*embarrassed* No I don't!! I go outside!!!.....Sometimes

Mary-Ellen: Girls! Girls! Stop yelling!


Mary-Ellen: YOU SHUT UP!!


Wally:*he get serious* Before we do, I just talked to Stine. And if you’re gonna spend all your time trying to belittle me by making this class unnecessarily hard, then I’m out. But if you’re interested in making a sincere effort to be a good teacher, then I’m willing to give this a shot.

Rocky: Yeah I agree with him

Slappy: I suppose that’s a fair Request then

Wally: Okay.

Slappy: Okay. Well, then, uh, first things first. When was the first ever Goosebumps book published?

Dennis:*rises his hand*

Slappy: Dennis?

Dennis: 1992!!

Slappy: Correct!!You get a point

Dennis: Yay!!

Slappy: Next Question... What’s the name of the mysterious sorcerer in ‘The Night in Terror Tower’?

Wally: I know!! It's Marvin

Mary-Ellen: No it Markus

Slappy: Your Both wrong

Wally and Mary-Ellen: What!?

Slappy: The correct answer was Morgred...Wow okay you two suck at this


Slappy: Yeah Yeah after class!

Rocky: Why do we have to read the books though

Slappy: It was either this or I could've mad you do some Math problems which you wouldn't like

Rocky: I hate Math....

Slappy: Ha! I knew it. All right. We have a lot of information to cover before your first test. Which, by the way, is in eight minutes. The good news is I’m grading on a curve, so all of you except Dennis pretty much guaranteed get a D and Dennis gets a A+

Wally: What!?

Mary-Ellen: No fair!!

Dennis: Aww! Thanks Slappy!!*smiles*

Rocky:*singing*So we put our hands up like the ceiling can’t hold us
Like the ceiling can’t hold us

Slappy:*looks at Rocky* What are you doing?

Rocky:*singing*Can we go back, this is the moment
Tonight is the night, we’ll fight till it’s over

Slappy: uh Rocky... What are you doing?

Rocky: If you’re gonna be a Bad teacher, then I’m gonna be a Bad student

Slappy: Will you stop it!!This is a Reading class!! This is not Chorus!!

Rocky: Okay!

Slappy: Now, where was I? Let’s see. Oh, yes…What are you doing now?

Rocky: *rolling up his worksheet* Making a straw.

Dennis: I don't like where this is going...

Wally: Oh I do!!

Mary-Ellen: *rolls her eyes* Here we go again

Slappy:*looking at Rocky* Why Are you making a Straw?

Rocky: So I can shoot you with a Spitball*putting the straw in his mouth*

Slappy: You’re not going to do that, and I’ll tell you why. This is an institution of higher learning,you’re going to treat me with the prop- *a spit ball went inside his mouth*........YOU SHOT YOUR SPIT IN MY MOUTH!!

Wally, Mary-Ellen and Dennis:0_0

Rocky: Is that gonna be on the test? Because I don’t think I can do that again *laughing*

Slappy: AAAAAAHHHHHH!!*runs out the Room* WHERE'S THE MOUTHWASH!?

Wally: Oh I forgot Slappy has fear of germs...

Rocky:You know what's the best part of being a student*slowly takes out the mouthwash*

Slappy:*yelling from the hallway* I CAN'T FIND THE MOUTHWASH!!

Wally: That's the most evil thing I ever witnessed and that's coming from me...

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