Dare #35

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BeckyLynn613"I dare Stine to invite Zach and Champ to sleep over "

{5:30 pm}

Stine:*on phone calling Zach* Hello want to Have a sleep Over at my house?

Zach:*on the other side of the phone* Why..

Stine: Please say yes...it's a Dare..so?

Zach: Yeah sure

Stine: Invite that weird Friend of yours

Zach: He has a name

Stine: I know

{8:00 pm,both Zach and Champ are at Stine's house}

Wally:*Looks at Stine*Wait...so if there staying tonight, where are they going to sleep?

Stine: In your Bed

Wally: But my bed's small and all 3 of us wouldn't fit

Stine: So you'll be Sleeping with Slappy

Slappy and Wally: SAY WHAT!?

Stine: Oh yes,you guys will be Sharing

Slappy: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!*falls on his knees*

Wally: I hate you all of You

{Time for Bed}

Wally:*enters his room, looking around and sees no one there* Yes

Champ:*runs to Wally's bed,laying down* Hey

Wally: Ugh...*turns around, Walking towards Slappy's bed*

Slappy:*arms crossed, laying in his bed*

Wally:*gets in bed,laying down next to Slappy*

Champ:*turns off the lights*

Slappy:*closes his eyes*

Wally:*punches him in the arm*

Slappy: OW!!

Wally: Your breathing on me!!

Slappy: I Don't have any lungs! Idiot!!*Pushes him off the bed*

Wally:*hits the floor*Ow!!

Slappy: Oops sorry my hand slipped

Wally:*flips the bed*


Stine:*in other Room* Everything

Wally: Yeah!! Slappy just saw a Spider*smirking*

Slappy:Why you!!*gets up and Tackles him*

Wally: Get off of me!!!


Stine:*opens the door and turns on the lights* Guys What going on...STOP! FIGHTING!!

Slappy and Wally:*looks at each Stine* NO

Stine:*backs away a little* Umm...Guys just go to sleep...

Slappy:FINE *fixs the bed, and gets in bed*


Stine:*sighs*....I'm getting too old for this

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