Chapter 22- I Can't Lose Her

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Jill's P.O.V

I awoke on a table in a lab. I groaned and sat up. I looked around and saw nobody. 

As I was about to stand up and find a way out of the place, I felt a searing pain shoot through my body. I examined my body and saw that there were stitches on my belly and I saw needles.

"What the hell?" I asked myself.

"So I see you're still alive." A female voice said. I looked at the door and saw Karai standing there.

"Where the hell is Ayame?!" I snapped.

"Oh, your friend is safe. Let's talk about something real quick."

"What the hell do we have to talk about?! The only thing I'm gonna be saying to you is burn in hell!" I hissed.

"Someone's still moody from the blood transfusion." Karai said. "Anyway. You and your friend are taking the next flight to Seattle."

"What? I got a blood transfusion...and what do you mean by Ayame and I are taking the next flight to Seattle?" I asked as I tilted my head to one side. 

"Never mind the plane part. You don't remember, do you?" She asked me. I shook my head and leaned back on the table. "Well, you got shot in the shoulder, then got shot in the stomach by Jordyn. She was given orders to kidnap you, not to kill you. So, she is being taken care of at the moment." I looked at Karai and sighed. I lifted up my shirt and saw a bullet hole in my stomach that was now patched up.

"Why do you need me now?" I asked.

"We just wanted to get you to tell us where the rat is, give us an update on the family, and tell us about your little ones." Karai smirked.

"I'M NOT GONNA TELL YOU A GODDAMN THING!" I spat. She shook her head and threw me off the table. She called in two of her ninjas and they took me into the throne room. I saw Ayame chained to the wall and she was perfectly safe, thank god. I was then chained up next to her and threw to the floor.

"Your powers got suspended, Jill. So don't even think about trying anything." Karai said. "Oh! The Shredder will be in to speak to you girls momentarily." Karai and the foot ninjas left the room and left Ayame and I sitting on the cold floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Are you okay? I thought I lost you when you were shot in the alley." Ayame admitted and looked at me with fear and anger clouding her gaze.

"I'm okay. We just have to get out of here." I said and looked around, trying to find something useful to get us out of the chains. I tugged at the chains and used all of my strength to escape, but to no avail.

"Stop struggling, I got this." Ayame smirked. I narrowed my eyes at her and tilted my head to one side. With a nod of her head, the glass on the floor in front of us shattered and the water being covered  by the glass formed into a huge wave. It shrank and turned into keys. It unlocked the chains and we were free.

"You got a super power?!" I asked.

"Yep! Pretty cool, huh?" She asked and helped me up. I nodded and felt something sticky drip down my stomach. I looked down at my shirt and blood had seeped through the thin fabric.

"Shit! We gottta head back to the lair!" I exclaimed. Ayame nodded and we ran to the nearest exit. We were almost out the door, but then a hoard of ninjas attacked us. I whipped out my tomahawks (that I picked up off the table in the throne room) and got into my fighting stance. Ayame put up her fists and snarled.

"Foot Ninjas, ATTACK!" Karai screeched. They all lunged for us and three of them took me down. Ayame used her new ability to fight off the eleven that were battling against her, and she was kicking some ass! I threw a ninja against the wall and elbowed him in the stomach. I sliced him in the chest with my tomahawk and ran out the door, with Ayame close at my heels. We ran to the nearest man hole and hopped in. I winced in pain as I fell on my stomach.

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