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             Third Person P.O.V

             "Ayame?!" Leo exclaimed as Shredder pulled her forward and threw her on the floor in front of him. "Let her go!"

              "I can't do that Leonardo. If you and your brothers have a seat, then we might be able to come to an agreement." Leo exchanged a glance with the others and they sheathed their weapons. Shredder laughed evily and signaled for his ninjas to pull up four chairs.

               "Have a seat boys." They were pushed into the chairs and tied up. The girls were on their knees and they were cuffed to chains that were attatched to the wall. They had deep cuts running across their faces, gashes everywhere on their body, and a few knife wounds.

                   "You've got us, now let them go!" Donnie said.

                  "You see, I can't do that. They all have something that I want or want to know."

                 "Which is?" Leo asked.

                 "I want her telekinesis, her super strength, and those two know where the rat is." Shredder said, pointing to each of the girls.

               "You's ain't gonna touch em'!" Raph yelled.

             "Oh, so I can't do this?" Shredder walked up to Jill and used the claws on the back of his hand to scratch her across the face.

                "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Raph said, struggling in his chair.

               "Now it's your turn." Shredder said, picking Jordyn up by her hair. He took the cuffs off of her and threw her in front of the boys. "I've been waiting to do this for the longest time!" Shredder boomed in a demonic tone. Being Jordyn was on her hands and knee's, having a hard time breathing, he kicked her in the side and she rolled in front of Mikey's chair. He picked her up over his head and threw her across the room.

              "STOP IT!" Jill screamed in the restraints of her cuffs. "Touch her one more time and I'll shoot your brains out!"

                 "How can you do that when you are without your firearms?" He sneered. He stabbed Jordyn in the side with a shuriken. She fell on her back anf looked at Donnie, pain glistened in her pale blue eyes.

                      "JORDYN!" Everyone screamed in unison. Shredder walked over to Destiny and slapped her across the face. She cried out in pain and fell on her side. He kicked her in the stomach and tightened the chains around her wrists. She was crying due to the excruciating pain. Shredder was now in front of Ayame.

                             "Touch her and I swear you'll pay for it!" Leo yelled. Shredder chuckled and uncuffed her. He set her down in front of Leo.

                           "What are you going to do to me?" She asked, her voice shaky with fear.

                           "Nothing too terrible." He kicked her back and she flew forward, hitting her chin on Leo's chair. "Where is the rat?"

                               "I'm not telling you anything!" He punched her square in the jaw and she fell on her belly. He picked her up by her shirt and threw her up against the wall. She landed on the floor with a 'thud' and blood was trickling down her face from a cut on her forehead. He put her back in the cuffs and she passed out.

                               "AYAME!" Leo screeched.

                               "Which one of you will put up some sort of fight that I haven't almost killed?" He asked himself, surveying the group of girls. He looked at Jordyn, who was bleeding out, and Ayame, who was knocked uncontious. He shook his head and looked at Destiny. She was crying her eyes out due to the pain. He then looked over at Jill and let out a menacing laugh. He took her out of the hand cuffs and stood her up. She wobbled at first, but regained her posture.

                            "Let's do this." Shredder said in an evil tone. Jill was looking at the ground, her fists were clenched tightly.

                            "You just messed with the wrong girl's Shred-head!" She hissed. She ran at him and punched him in the nose, with surprising force. Her eyes lit up and she looked at Jordyn, who was still not doing too well. They nodded at each other and Jill got back in the fight.

                        Shredder lunged for Jill, but she dove out of the way. He grabbed his chokuto and ran at her with it held above his head. He tackled her to the ground and held it up to her neck. Shredder picked her up by the back of her shirt and pinned her to the pilar right next to Raphael's chair. He held his chokuto up to her neck and looked at the four turtles, who were staring at them. Their eyes were wide with fear and they all had a sparkle of pleading in them as well.

                        "Don't hurt her!" Raph growled.

                      "I might just do it to humor myself." Shredder said.

                     "Raph, I'm okay."

                    "You've got a god damn sword bein' held against ya' neck!" He shreiked.

                  "I'll be fine." She said through clenched teeth as Shredder tightened his grip around her neck.

                 "Any last words Jillian?"

               "Just two: Nighty' night!" Shredder blinked his eyes in confusion as a needle went into his neck. The nod Jill and Jordyn gave each other was,obviously, a plan to take him out. Being they had their powers back, it was a piece of cake. 

                 Before Shredder's body went limp, he sliced Jill in the stomach. She hunched over in pain adn picked up the chokuto. She jabbed it into the wall and watched Shredder fall to the floor. She walked up to him and stomped on his stomach.

                "Told you you messed with the wrong girls." She looked up at us and gave us a weak smile. "Hey guys." She breathed out. She untied Donnie first so he could go assist Jordyn. When she untied Mikey next, he bolted over to Destiny. She had to wait a second or two before she untied Leo and Raph because of al the blood she was loosing. She cut the rope around Leo's ankle's adn wrist's and he made a B-line for Ayame, who was still uncontious. Jill crawled over to Raph and used her pocket knife to cit the rope off of him. He pulled her into his arms and held her.

                   "Thank god you're okay." He said, kissing her cheek.

                  "I'm fine, they're not. Let's get over there and help." She kissed his cheek and pulled away. She limped over to Ayame and Leo, with Raph close behind her. They helped everyone and they managed to escape TCRI with their lives, but barely.




My Not So Perfect Love Story (Sequel to My Ninja Turtle Romeo's!!!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt