Chapter 1- The Beginning

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                   Jordyn's P.O.V

             "Jordyn, stay awake! We're almost home." Donnie's voice said in a fretful tone. My vision may have been blurry and spotted with black dots, but the blanket of blood on my body was impossible to miss.


               "Jordyn, you have to stay awake. I promise, I'm gonna fix you up."

            "O-okay." I whispered and rested my head on his plastron. I wished I could yell due to the antagonizing pain, but I was too out of breath and at a lack of energy.

               We stepped in the lair and Donnie immediatley placed me on the metal table and started to stop the bleeding. He pulled a needle up to my arm and injected me with a clear liquid. I started to feel drowsy, but managed to stay awake and make sure everyone else was safe and out of harms way.

                 Donnie had to put Jill to sleep, so he could patch her up and take a look at her ankle. Once he pulled out the needle, she started to have a panic attack.

               "GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!"

               "Jill, I have to give this to you. Calm down and look away from it."

             "NO! NOT AGAIN, JUST GET IT AWAY!" She hissed.

           "Jill!" Raph ran into the lab and laid down next to her. "Look at me, not the needle." He grabbed her hand and rested his forehead on hers. Donnie stuck the needle and she winced. She fell asleep a few seconds later, with Raph tearing up beside her.

          I looked in the living room and saw Mikey holding Destiny in his arms. I searched for Ayame and Leo, but there was no sign of them, so it looks like I'm going to have to keep an eye out for them.

         My eyes fluttered closed as Donnie gave me another shot in the arm.

        "I promise I won't let this happen to you ever again." Donnie whispered, squeezing my hand. That was the last thing I heard because everything went black and my body went limp.

         Jill's P.O.V

        "I know you hate needles, but it won't hurt...much." Karai said as she jabbed a needle in my arm. I stared at it in terror as my very rare and precious blood was getting drained into the small tube.

         Needles are my biggest fear and always will be.

        "Why are you taking my blood?"

          "So we can run a few tests and possibly merge your super strength with Jordyn's telekinesis." She said with a smirk. I watched her put my blood in a refridgerator. She picked me up and threw me against a wall in the throne room. Once I hit the ground, Karai put me in cuffs chained to the wall. I looked to my right and saw Destiny and Jordyn. Jordyn had a black eye and three claw marks runing across her face and Destiny was shaking due to the fear.

          "You guys okay?" They both nodded.

         "Hey guys." A familiar voice said to my left. I turned around and saw Ayame. Before we could get reaquainted, a sharp pain shot through my neck. Karai gave me some sort of shot. 

          The last thing I saw was Jordyn getting beat by Karai, Destiny crying, and Ayame was staring at me with eyes as wide as saucers.

My Not So Perfect Love Story (Sequel to My Ninja Turtle Romeo's!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now