Chapter 21- Daddy's Little Miracles

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Raph's P.O.V 

I watched Jill cradle Alexandria in her arms as she fed her. I smiled and walked over to them. I kissed Jill's cheek and held her as she swayed back and forth.

"How are my girls doin'?" I asked.

"Your girls are fine." She yawned. Alexandria had finally fallen asleep and Jill laid her down in the crib. I smiled and kissed Jill. She wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss.

"Wanna go to our room?" I whispered with a mischievous smirk. She smiled and jumped into my arms. I put my hands on her butt and walked her to our room. I laid her down and got on top of her. I sat the baby monitor on her nightstand and cupped her head in my hands. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap. I rubbed her sides as I kissed her neck. She moaned softly and had her hands on my shoulders. As I was about to meet my lips with hers, both of the babies started crying. I rested my head on Jill's shoulder and sighed. She kissed my cheek and walked out of the room. I stood up and followed.

"What's wrong with ya' now monkey?" Jill asked Andrew as she picked him up. He stopped crying and rested his head on her shoulder. She smiled and rubbed his shell.

"Mama's boy." I chuckled. She smiled and rested her head on Andrew's head. I kissed his cheek and picked up Alex. She nuzzled her beak in the crook of my neck and stopped crying.

"Daddy's little princess, huh?" Jill asked and kissed both me and Alex. I smiled and nodded as I held my baby girl in my arms. We left the room and walked downstairs. We sat on the couch and snuggled, each of us holding a baby.

Two hours had past and Jill, Andrew, and Alex were both asleep. I took Andrew from Jill and took him and his sister upstairs. I tucked them both in and kissed them goodnight.

I walked back downstairs and Jill was sleeping on the couch. I picked her up and carried her upstairs. I set her down carefully and laid down next to her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in closer. I pulled the blankets over us and dozed off.

*Six Weeks Later!*

Jill was in the shower and getting ready for her first day back at work. I yawned and went to check on the babies. They were both stirring and Andrew started whining. I picked him up and walked around the room with him. Alex opened her eyes and looked at me.

I could've sworn I saw a jealous and angry glisten glimmer in her eyes, but it was probably just me.

Jill walked into the room in a red button up shirt, black dress pants, and red flats. I handed Andrew off to her and took Alex out of her crib. 

"Wanna walk me out?" She asked. I kissed her cheek and nodded. I followed her downstairs and stood by the door. Jill hugged Andrew and they wouldn't let go of one another.

"Babe, let go of Andrew."

"Do I have to go back today? I can stay home for another week." She said, still hugging Andrew.

"No. Hand me him." I said firmly. She sighed and handed him off to me. She hugged and kissed Alex and grabbed her briefcase.

"Listen, their nap time is at-"

"-Noon." I interrupted.

"And then they have lunch at-"

"-One." I sighed.

"Okay, and then-"

"Watch them and don't let them out a' my sight. We went ovah' this last night honey." I chuckled. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'll call and check on them when I get to the office." She said and kissed me.

"No! You's are gonna work and then you can see em' tonight." I said sternly. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the keys to her truck. I kissed her once more before she walked out of the lair.

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