Chapter 3- Romance Central

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     (Caution: VERY ROMANTIC!!!!!)  

          Ayame's P.O.V

         Leo walked into the kitchen and he was really happy.

        "Morning beautiful." He said, giving me a kiss.

       "Morning Leo. Why are you so happy?"

       "I have a special date planned out for tonight. Nothing special, just a time where we can go out and be alone." He said, putting his hand on my back and pulling me in  close to him. I smiled as he started kissing me.

     "What will this date consist of?" I asked with a smirk.

    "Dinner and alone time."

    "Sounds like heaven!" I said. He chuckled and we started kissing again.

   "Can you guys do that somewhere else? I'm trying to cook here!" Mikey said while flipping a pancake. Leo rolled his eyes and we sat on the couch.

    "Bye guys." Jill said, grabbing her suit case.

   "Bye Jill!" Everyone said.

   "Could someone tell Raph I'll be home a little bit later tonight? His lazy tail's still in bed."

  "You got it!" I said.

  "Thanks girl. I'll see you guys at around seven." She walked out of the lair and just as she left, Raph walked out of their room.

  "Your girlfriend just left." Leo said, looking at Raph.

 "Okay." He shrugged.

 "She'll be home a little bit later tonight. She wanted me to tell you." He nodded his thanks and sat at the kitchen table.

 "So Leo, what time is our date and do I have to wear anything in particular?" 

 "Our date is at seven and you just have to wear jeans and a T-shirt or something." I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close. We watched Space Hero's until it was time for breakfast. Donnie and Jordyn took their breakfast into the lab, so it was only me, Leo, Raph, Destiny, and Mikey at the table.

        The day flew by and it was time for me to get ready for me and Leo's date. I had to choose between two outfits.

          One of them was dark skinny jeans, a blue T-shirt with smurfette on it, and my blue converse.

         The second outfit was a lighter pair of skinny jeans, a green shirt that says," I have cat-like speed and reflexes," and my green flip flops.

              I decided to wear outfit number one because I wasn't really in the mood to wear green at the moment.

             I put everything on, straightened my hair, and was too lazy to put on make-up. I walked downstairs and met up with Leo at the door.


              "Ready." He put his hands on my hips and we started kissing me. We kissed for a few minutes, then Raph came up to us.

            "Ain't this supposed ta' be what ya' gonna do on the date?"

           "Uh, yeah." Leo said with a sheepish smile. I grabbed his hand and we left the lair.

           Leo escorted me to the roof of the flower shop on 8th Avenue and there was already a pool chair and a cooler. He sat me down and grabbed a can of Coca-Cola out of the cooler. He handed it to me and grabbed one for himself. He sat beside me and pulled me onto his lap.

My Not So Perfect Love Story (Sequel to My Ninja Turtle Romeo's!!!!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant