Surprise!- Part 2

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Leo's P.O.V

"I'd start running!" Jill yelled. She started chasing me and I immediately bolted away from her.

"Would you let me show you why I was seeing that girl?!" I breathed out, still running from my sister in law.

"You broke my best friend's heart, I bust you in the shell!" She hissed. She threw herself at me and almost took me to the ground, but Raph was there to save me.

"Take it easy babe!" Raph said as he held Jill back. She growled and threw a shuriken at me! "JILL!" He yelled. She continued to try and break free of his grip on her waist, but he wouldn't budge. I sighed with relief as he threw Jill over his shoulder and took her home.

"Dude, you really cheated on Ayame?" Mikey asked.

"No! I...," I groaned and pulled out the ring box. I opened it up and showed Donnie, Mikey, Destiny, Master Splinter, and Jill's dad. "The girl I had been meeting with was the jeweler." I said. Everyone gave me a sympathetic glance and sighed.

Near the door, there was a crash. Jill came running and Raph was chasing her.

"GET BACK HEAH'!" He yelled.

"NOT UNTIL I TEACH HIM A LESSON ABOUT BREAKING AYAME'S HEART!" She spat. My eyes widened as I saw Raph tackle her to the ground. He got on her back and pinned her hands above her head. I looked down at her and showed her the ring. Her eyes widened and she turned red. "Sorry 'bout the whole 'I'm gonna kill you!' thing." She laughed nervously. Raph got off of her and gave her the evil eye. She picked up Andrew and walked upstairs to me and Ayame's room.

"How am I gonna explain all of this to her?" I asked the group. A sly smirk spread across everyone's face and they glared upstairs at Jill. I knew exactly what they were thinking as they did so.

Ayame's P.O.V

There was a knock at my door. I growled because I had a nagging feeling in my gut that it was Leo.

"GO AWAY!" I yelled.

"Andrew wanted to see Aunt Ayame, but okay." Jill's voice sounded from the other side of the door. I quickly opened the door and pulled them inside. I took Andrew from Jill and gave him a long hug.

"Sorry about that. I'm still pretty upset about what that ass hole did." I growled. Jill sat me down and stood in front me with a serious look on her face.

"Listen, I know you think he cheated, but he didn't." She said.

"Not you too!" I said.

"He explained everything to everyone and showed us his proof!" Jill exclaimed.


"You know I don't trust people easily! If you'd just stop being a bitch about all of this and face Leo, you'd see for yourself that he didn't cheat on you!" She said.


"I know you're upset by what you think happened, but if you really trusted Leo then you'd know that he would never cheat on you. He loves you more than anyone in this entire family and you wouldn't let him get a damn word in because you were too stubborn." She picked Andrew up and left the room, slamming the door behind her.

I stood in the middle of the room, shocked and taken aback by what Jill had just said to me. She had never called me anything like that before, nor did I ever think that she would. 

I felt a fresh wave of hot tears sting my eyes. I sighed and walked over to the mirror that hung above my dresser. There was a picture of Leo and I laying in bed the first night I had spent the night with him at the lair. I smiled a little bit at the memory and let the tears finally break through the imaginary wall I had built to prevent them from letting them fall.

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