3:boys like you

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Boys like you

Boys like you
break hearts and laugh about it with all of your 'bros'

boys like you
are the reason women are afraid to walk the streets alone at night

boys like you
treat sex as a sport

boys like you
lie and devalue women in an attempt to get women to lower their standards for you

boys like you
are the reason feminism even exists

boys like you
believe rape is OK

that she had it coming
because she was leading him on

or that she was asking for it in that short skirt

boys like you
believe that you should get a say in how a woman runs her body

boys like you
use faggot and gay as an insult

boys like you
are a disgrace

I know you're probably thinking
" But not all men..."

and you're right not all men have lost their morals

but you're not a man
you're just a boy
I don't care how old you are

if you can't accept people the way they are
then you are just a boy to me


I tried to post this instead of "who you are" but the layout wasn't working so my sentences weren't complete

I know that this is a riskier poem and I'm sorry if it offended some

I'd love for you to send me ideas and feedback on what you would like to read, thanks again
until next time
bye my lovely's

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