I had to double-check that email. This place accepted my resume? I really am imagining. I shook my head and closed the laptop. My head will be cleared in the morning.


I woke up to the alarm I kept on my mobile, it showed 7:20 am. I noticed my laptop was not properly shut down. I know my mind was playing tricks on me. I have reached that stage where I'd imagine things just to please myself; in this case, my job.

But I was in a huge surprise. I was not hallucinating. I actually got accepted. My squeal vibrated in the room. I couldn't believe my eyes. I will finally be working! Weird thing is, how can a big company hire me when I mentioned that I just finished my school? As much as my heart is feeling the excitement, I cannot help but think if I really am eligible for this job.

It says I have to be present at the office exactly at 8:45 am, so I shot out of my bed and started to get ready. They say the first impression lasts forever. If I want to stay for long doing this job, I better give my best shot.

I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath. It took me around 10 minutes. Coming out of the bathroom, I take a look in my closet on what to wear. I wanted something elegant yet professional looking. I decided to wear my white coat with black striped shirt and a pair of matching pants. I decided to wear flats but the length of the pants was quite too long so I decided to wear black heels - which weren't that long. I dried my hair and rolled them into a bun. Then I took out my trusty black hijab and wore it like how I love to wear.

I checked the time — 7:58 am. I made my way to the kitchen and took strawberries, blueberries and cashews. I sat on my dining table and ate alone — since there was not a single soul living with me. I remembered how my siblings and I used to have dinner together back. It made me really sad but I really don't want to think about that now.

By the time I was lost in my thoughts, I finished my breakfast. I went to my room and applied mascara and lip balm. I am not really into caking my face with products all the time. I was also running out of time.

After I was done with it I applied my favourite perfume before taking my bag and heading towards my car— Black Lexus that I adore . It was always my dream to own it.

I drove to the office. Quite a popular company here in London, as it says on Google. Driving and reading articles wasn't the best idea so I couldn't read about the founder and other information.

At exact 8:29 am I reached the company. I parked my car and made my way to the office. As I made an online application, I never got the chance to come here. The building looks absolutely stunning. In the bold, silver letters, it says "THE SHEIKH INDUSTRIES". It was covered in glass. It was a huge 40 storey building. I didn't enter the office and I'm already excited. I wonder what goes around here to have such a massive workplace.

When I entered, to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was awestruck. Never in my life I saw such an amazing interior that looked glamorous and elegant at the same time. I was amazed just by seeing the building. And now seeing this? I think I could work here forever. Everything is beautifully designed. From the furniture to the desks; it takes a lot of money for this. I wonder how rich the owner is.

As I made my way to the receptionist, I saw an elder lady, maybe in her late 50s. She smiles genuinely with a humour glinting in her eyes. Probably saw my loose jaw and eyes as huge as it could get.

With the same smile plastered on her face, she greeted, 'How can I help you, dear?'

'Good morning, my name is Nawal Ibrahim. Today is my first day here. I made an online application—'

She interuppted me in rather an exciting way. Like she was expecting me, 'Good morning to you too! Oh, yes! Dear, take the elevator to floor 38. There will be a receptionist waiting at the desk. She will then tell you about your work. Have a nice day. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to call me, just dial 103 and I'll be there at your service. My name is Sarah.'

Wow, it's been quite long since I heard a person this humane.

"Thank you, Sarah, for your sweet words. Indeed, I will ask for your help."

With that being said, I made my way towards the elevator and pressed to level 38. As I was the only one in the elevator I was getting quite spooked out. Not that I think about spirits, I just hated being alone. I love anybody's company, even if they don't want to talk.

As I came out of the elevator I was looking at my mobile to see the time and didn't even noticed I collided into a hard wall.

It brought back a memory of my past, and I was scared. Not at this time! I suppressed all of the fear, but it was of no use. I unknowingly let out a small scream before going somewhere without even looking at the thing I collided with.


Hey guys! We hope you really like the first chapter. We know it might seem confusing, well worry not dears.

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