"I'm gonna miss you, Evangeline." I reach across the table to give her a hug.

"Aww," She pulls into the hug, "You're really gullible and a pain in the ass sometimes, but I'm gonna miss you too."

We both pull away from the hug, just as Mom comes in with 2 plates stacked with pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and grits. My mouth watered just at the sight of the butter melting on the hot pancakes.

"Breakfast is ready! Wanted to wake you both up so you had enough time to eat and leave at the right time," Mom puts the plates down and rests her hand against Eva's chair, "Ridiculous how they start school for 7 AM. I understand they want the kids to have a good breakfast that morning, but goddamn! 7AM? You two don't even wake up that early!" Mom exclaims, sighing.

Eva and I exchange looks, then chuckle as we take a few bites into our food. Mom was always ranting about something.

"Hell, Ma', if you think the education system is so shitty, maybe you should homeschool me until I go to college." I wink, pouring syrup onto my pancakes.

"There's no way in hell I'm doing that. Lord knows you'd be on Cool Math, rather than actually getting anything done, claiming it was actually 'educational'." Mom throws up air quotes at the word educational, and rolling her eyes.

"You know me too well." I sigh, making Eva and Mom laugh.

"Well, eat up, children. Only," Mom checks her watch, "45 minutes left." Eva and I both groan.

"Chop chop." She claps loudly, then walking back into the kitchen.

"Man, sometimes I wonder if Ma' is actually our older sister in disguise." Eva wonders aloud, cutting her pancakes into squares.

I nod in agreement, breaking off a piece of my bacon and chewing it. "Yeah, sometimes she's way too cool to be a mother. Must run in the family genes."

"What? Being so cool?" Eva asks, sipping some of the coffee in her mug. I answer her by nodding.

"Well, it must not be in your genes." Eva teases, shrugging.

"See, now I'm glad you're going away for college." I shoot back, shrugging playfully.

Two could play at being an asshole, I just was better at the game though.


Exams were a pain in the ass. Literally, the seats were so uncomfortable to sit in all day.

"I don't understand why they made us sit there all goddamn day," I complain to Pillar on the phone, as I drive to my therapy session, "It'll make us un-relaxed while we're testing. We could at least stand up a few minutes at a time during testing!"

"I think you're just saying that because we had to take the Math exams today." Pillar laughs, making me roll my eyes. She was, of course, right.

"You're lucky you're still a freshman. Your test wasn't as hard, I bet." I assure her, pulling up the directions to the office building on GPS.

"Pfft. Let's be honest, we both have it good right now. It's the seniors I feel bad for, I'm sure they have it worse than we both do put together." Pillar admits.

"True," I chew on some of the Lays chips I still had from my lunch, "My sister, Eva, is a senior and I'm pretty sure she passed out at least once from stress. I'll have to ask about it when I get home."

"Why aren't you home yet?" Pillar asks, which makes my stomach turn. I didn't want anyone to know that I was starting the lessons so soon, but as Eva always said, I was a bullshit liar.

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