Secret Love - Jungkook

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We sit in his room in our underwear while I lay on my back in between his legs, my back against his chest as I take a drag of our shared cigarette. I never used to smoke but the scent reminded me of Jungkook when we weren't together so I took it up. He plays with my hair as he hums to the music playing through the radio. 

The dull room doesn't seem cold anymore, but our sweat will eventually cool bringing me into a cold embrace. I bring the cigarette above my head and he puts it in his mouth. If my father could see me right now he would have a heart attack. 

I'm the typical good girl, popular and loved by many. While Jungkook is the bad boy, always getting into trouble and has a bad reputation. He's my secret pleasure. I'm promised to be engaged to Jimin but I don't love him. Our parents arranged us together so the world knows us as the perfect couple but I don't want him, I want Jungkook. 

"You're so beautiful." His voice comes out soft as he leans over and kisses the top of my head. I sit up and twist around so I can put my legs around him while I'm still sat in between his legs with our chests against each other. He continues to play with my hair as I place a hickey on his chest. Little hushed breaths come out of his mouth as I find his spot. When my lips part from his body he looks at me with a smile, "You don't have to go back." he says trying to stop me from going home to return to school the next day. We both go to the same school but so does Jimin, so even if I do see Jungkook around school we have to pretend to not know each other.

"I need to shower so I can go home." I stay standing up pulling off the little lace I did have on, "Join me." I lure him to the bathroom and he happily follows...

*Next Day*

"So in the summer we can go to the cabin," Jimin says holding my hand in his telling me about his family's summer home. I nod smiling at him. Girls watch us in awe at our 'adorable relationship' but there is always a hint of jealousy to everyone watching. They have no idea that I want to swap with them as much as they want to with me. Jimin holds my waist and tilts his head, "You smell like men's soap." His eyebrows crease slightly.

I tense for a second as I think up a lie. "Accidentally picked up my Dad's soap when putting away the shopping, I was already in the shower when I realised I had the wrong one." He nods, no longer suspicious. Spotting an out of place strand, I fix his hair. 

Suddenly I smell a soft scent of familiar cologne. I look up and see Jungkook a few lockers down watching me from his locker. In school, we agree not to talk to each other. I would be on house arrest and moved to another school if father thought I was even talking to someone like Jungkook. Although extremely difficult we have both come to terms with it. Our eyes lock onto each other and he winks at me. A small smile grows on my lips before Jimin takes my hand and starts leading us to lesson.

"Uh, the bell hasn't gone yet," I tell him but he keeps walking.

"Exactly, that means the classroom will be empty, just us." I stop instantly. Jimin and I have kissed on multiple occasions but it is not something I like, sure he's great kisser but Jungkook is all I want. He's all I need. I have to go along with this relationship for our families but snogging is not in the agreement. Also, I know Jungkook can be very jealous and possessive. I take my hand back.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll try to make it there before the bell goes." I excuse myself and leave without waiting for a reply.

I walk down the hall looking for Jungkook as I wait for the bell to go. I don't want to kiss Jimin so if that means walking aimlessly for five minutes then okay. Suddenly a hand wraps around my wrist and I'm pulled into a dark room. My eyes struggle to adjust, "Jungkook?" I say as my eyes focus. He pushes me against the wall of the cramped cupboard and kisses me passionately. I instantly reciprocate the kiss but try and question him. He pushes his body against mine holding my waist. We break for air and I look at him a little unsure. 

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