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Illi's POV
     My body feels tired, but I'm fully awake. My legs are sore from earlier today. After that, I'm almost sure that I won't be able to do that again for days.
     Calloused hands grip my waist as I sure the chilli around in the pot. Turning around, I look up at Jules and smile. "What are you doing?" He asks. I look back at the stove.
    "Cooking," I say. His hands travel down to my bottom and rest there.
    "When we get home, you have to promise to walk around the house like this," he says, looking at me with hungry eyes. When I had woken up, I didn't bother to put anything on except for my undergarments. Its comfortable, and I knew he'd like it.
     "Have you talked to Leslie?" I ask, nervousness building up in me. He shakes his hand and goes to get a water. "You should call her when you have time."
    "Is there any reason why your telling me to do this?" He asks. I shrug, looking down at beans. "You should tell me in case I blow up if its something I'd be mad about."
    I set the spoon down and lean against the counter. "She told me not to tell you until she does," I say. He gives me a are you really still trying this look. "She's pregnant," I blurt out.
    His eyes widen at the news. Awkwardly, I move around him to get plates. "With Marcus's baby?" He asks. I nod. "Was it planned?"
    "You know your sister better than anyone, do you think she'd have a baby with someone when she isn't married?" His fists clench. "But when she told me, she did sound happy. The thing is, she's too scared to tell Marcus; scared he'll freak and leave her. I mean, I know he wouldn't, but she doesn't."
     He sits down as inset our food on the table. "That douchebag better be the happiest man on earth, unless I'm killing your brother," he says. I swallow my bite of food.
      I let out a soft moan as he kisses my neck. "Are you sure you want to play that game when you could keep doing this to me?" I ask. He pulls away, chuckling.
    "We're playing it. Venus gave it to us and we can't just let it collect dust," he says as he sits down. Rolling my eyes I look at the blue bowl. Inside lays a bunch of dirty truths and dares. "You can go first," he tells me.
    I take out a piece of paper and read. "What the most embarrassed you've ever been during sex?" I ask him. He thinks then blushes harder than I've ever seen him.
    "Um, it was with you, the night we got engaged, my leg cramped up and I had to say I wasn't feeling good. That's really why I stopped," he says. I hide my laugh as he takes out a piece of paper from the bowl. "What's your favorite part of my body, and my eyes don't count."
    "Your hands," I answer without hesitation. Maybe this game won't be too mad. I'm not very vocal with him sexually, so maybe this will help. "I dear you to lie down on your back, then I move a my hand all over your body."
    He does as instructed and waits for me to make my move. Truth be told, I'm admiring the handsome sight in front of me. This won't be as fun as I was hoping since he's fully clothed. I lean over him and rub my hands over his hard, muscular body. I get to his length and play more attention to that before pulling back.
    "With clothes on, get on top of me and ride me as long as you'd like," he reads. He sits back up and I get on him.
    "Do I just kind of do what I did earlier?" I ask, embarrass I have to ask that. He nods, a sexy glint in his eyes. I move seductively against him, his hands going down my back. I stop and sit back down where I was before. "Go in the room and take a picture for me," I say. He stands, phone in hand and walks to the room, leaving me alone.  
     Just as he comes out, my phones dings. I pick it up and look at his message. My thighs clench together as I look at the picture of his long-never mind. I take a deep breath and regain myself.
    "Make love to me for three minutes only," he says. I set the timer on my phone and lay down, not wanting to be on top. He gets above me and takes his dick out while I remove my underwear. He pushes in me and moves so fast it hurts.
    I grip his shoulders and throw my head back. "Just a little slower," I tell him. I feel the muscles in his back move against my hands. The alarm goes off, making us both groan. "Can we just ditch the game and finish this?" I say. He shakes his head and kisses me as he leaves me empty.
    "You have to be my sex slave and do whatever I want you to do to me for as long as I want." He closes his eyes and I push him onto the couch. "You know your going to enjoy this," I say.
    "I like being the dominant one in bed," he says. I trail my tongue from his neck to the area below his ear.
    "I want you to fuck me harder than you ever have," I whisper in his ear. He brings me down so I'm on my back. He pushes into me hard. My back arches. "Okay, maybe not very hard, like a gentle hard. Don't hurt me." He smiles and kisses the tip of my nose, making me giggle.
     He starts thrusting into me, his hands gently gripping my waist. "Pin my hands above my head," I tell him. He does as told, his grip a good type of painful. It'll leave bruises on my wrists, but we've grown used to that. His hand grips my neck gently.
     "Oh my gosh," I moan loudly.
    "Fuck," he says through gritted teeth. I grab his hand and put it in my hair. "Pull it?" He asks. I nod as groan when he groans. My arms wrap around his neck as he continues to bang into me.
    "Oh baby girl."
        Three weeks later
  I stare down at the positive pregnancy tests in my hand as I sit on the bathroom floor with tears in my eyes. A sob wracks my body as I remember what he said before we got married.  
     "Baby, I want to talk to you," I say, sitting on the couch next to him. He turns the TV off, giving me his full attention. "Do you want kids?" I ask him.
     "Are you pregnant?" He says in a serious tone. I shake my head. "Okay, good. Um, other than the fact that I'm not sure if I can get you pregnant, I absolutely don't want kids. And that has nothing to do with you, its me and fear. Are-are you okay with that?" He says.
    I blink back tears. "Totally okay with it."
     I set my hand on my stomach as I cry.

AN: Oh no. Yeah, I know, bug change in subject at the end. Comment what you think will happen when he finds out!!! Share! Stay alive |-/       -Veah

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