Close Call

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           Santos's POV
     The waiting room only makes me more nervous. People are rushing in and out, doctors calling out names of patients, sick children and adults. Especially the fact that Illi's family is here.
      Marcus sits down next to me, looking at me with a serious expression. "Why were you with my sister when she got shot? I know that you and her don't get along, but you would never shot someone," he says. I wouldn't say that now; if they ever find the bastard that did this, I'm going to kill the person.
     "This morning I went over to my moms when Illi was leaving. I left not long after and she was going out of town. I thought it was suspicious, so I followed her. Next thing I knew, gun shits went off and she was on the ground," I lie. He shakes his head. "And do you seriously think I wouldn't shot someone?"
    "Not my sister, but anyone else yeah," he says. I chuckle. A doctor comes comes to the door.
   "Illiana Rosealina," the doctor calls. Her parents stand and make their way over with Venus and Marcus at their sides. It makes strength for me to stay seated and act like I don't care about this whole thing.
    The doctor talks to them. Venus turns to me. "You can come with us if you want," she says, giving me a look that says to. I stand up from my chair and follow them. We get to the room and quietly walk in.
     Illi's hooked up to certain machines by the arm. She's pale and breathing shakily. Her dad sits down in the chair beside Illi and takes her hand. She doesn't move at all.
    "How long until you think she'll wake up?" Her mom asks the doctor who's standing in the corner.
   "Anytime. You can wake her, but she would get her rest," he says. Her parents look at each other. Marcus looks at his phone.
   "I'm leaving, it's nearly eleven," he says. Venus follows him out. I stand awkwardly.
    "I can stay with her and call you when she wakes up if you want," I say. Her parents eye me oddly before standing. Her mom stands in front of me.
    "Be careful," she says in a threatening voice. If anyone of them is catching on to the relationship, it's her. She walks out of the room with the doctor. I sit where her dad was and relax the best I can.
      Someone wincing wakes me. Looking around I remember where I am and why. Illi is looking around with a confused expression. "What happened?" She asks me.
    "You were shot when we went to see your father. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell. How do you feel?" I ask, my voice thick with sleep.
    "Like I got shot," she says sarcastically. I grin, standing and kissing her forehead. She sighs. "What do my parents know?" She asks nervously.
    "That you went to see your dad and got shot. I came up with a story for why I was there with you when it happened," I say. She nods. I sit on the edge of the bed. "You scared the hell out of me when you post your pulse."
    "I'm here aren't I?"
               Illi's POV
      My head rests on Jules's chest. Over the past three days of recovery I've gotten used to calling him Jules instead of Santos. We're currently watching a Fast And Furious movie in his bed. His eyes are fixed on TV and his hand rests on knee.
     My eyes begin to feel heavy. As I close them his hand moves upward. I don't get nervous since I'm wearing jeans and I know he won't force himself onto me. He doesn't look at me as his hand grows closer. My body tenses.
       His index finger brushes against me, making my eyes grow wider. He looks over at me but I keep my eyes fixed on the movie. I suffer not to moan as he touches me through my jeans. His lips press against my sensitive area of my ear.
    I grip his arm, closing my eyes to calm my heart rate. "You okay?" He asks in a deep, husky voice. I bite my bottom lip. I have to force myself not to my move my hips. "Is this okay?" He asks.
    "Y-yes," I moan. I no longer feel like I'm in control if this situation. Its not in a way that's scary, but I'm not used to someone having so much control over me.
    He moves my head so I'm looking at him. His lips connect with mine as he slips his hand in my pants and through my underwear. I gasp at the contact. "Does that feel good?" I nod. "I need words baby girl."
     "Yes it does." He nibbles son my ear. My phone goes off and Marcus's contact pops up. As I answer, he doesn't stop his actions.
    "Hello?" I force out, my eyes closing again as Jules kissing me neck.
    "When are you coming home?" He asks. My back arches a little.
    "Like thirty minutes. Why?" I say. He days something but I can't pay attention as my breaths grow closer together.
    "Well bye," he says and hang up. I set my phone down and pull his lips back to mine.
     "I love you," he says. I smile into the kiss. My eyes squeeze shut.
     "Stop," I say as I grow close to my peak. He bites down on my lip, making me lose it. He doesn't stop until I'm finished. His lips these mine. He removes his hand.
     "Did you enjoy that?"
     "Yes," I reply. He smirks cockily. "But you serious have to stop with that nickname. Baby girl just sounds kinky."
     "Kind of the point, and every baby girl needs her daddy."
     "You are not my father," I say, shaking my heard.
     "I'll get you to call me it. Just wait."

AN: His seductive side was requested by @laqueeshaork (sorry if I got your username wrong). Please comment a side if him you want to see and something you would like to see!! Share! Stay alive |-/    -Veah


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