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"Im here to pick up Min Yoongi." I ask at reception.
"Ok, go to... corridor 8 upstairs and then go into the... yellow ward! He's ready to go so just come down and sign out when your ready!" The lady tells me. I agree but want to puke as she talked to me like I'm a 3 years old.

I finally find the yellow ward and walk in. I see suga sat upright in bed and he's happy.  He's leaning to his right talking to someone next to him. His arm is bandaged up and is in a sling and his hair is spiky and unwashed. I call his name and he looks over at me.
"Finally! It's felt like forever I've been waiting here! I'm starving!" I laugh at him. "Oh.. and this is Luca. He's from Italy! Can you believe it!" I tilted me head to see a guy in the next bed. He waves at me and is wave back. Suga jumps up and we both say goodbye to Luca.

After we sign out, I take Suga straight home. He raids the fridge and cupboards and says "hi" to gid and yeong.

Today is he day we try and find out what happened to gid and yeong's parents.

Me and Jimin and going to look for their parents at places and are going to go out to find them, like hospitals, whilst the others look in phonebooks and look on the internet.

We take the two to a nearby hospital, the one I had recently been in that day. I asked at reception if they had anyone by the names of their parents. Unfortunately, it wasn't first time lucky. The second hospital was further away. But still no luck. We went into shops and hotels to ask if they'd seen them but, still not sight of them. we're about to give up hope when I realise there was a hospital near the concert we actually performed in. Jimin suggested we went there.
"Oh yes we do have her in here! She has been looking for her daughter the entire week. She goes on and on about loosing her at a concert. Are you her?" The reception lady looks at yeong. Her eyes lit up as soon as reception said yes. She nodded happily and gave me a hug out of pure excitement.

we got the directions to her mothers ward and as soon as yeong saw her, she sprinted to her side. I could feel gid next to me sigh. I kneel down next to him and look at him.
"Your going to be ok. You can stay with us for now. Don't give up hope ok? After all, that's what your name means!" He nods at me but still looks upset. Jimin then brings him to the waiting room and they start to talk.
"Suga?" I hear a woman call me over. I see yeong with her mother stood next to her. I walk over to them, feeling awkward in a social situation.
"Yes?" I say. Trying to be as polite as I can.
"You saved my daughter. Do you think you can do that and then get away with just walking away without anything? Thank you! So so much. Thanks for not giving up. Your an amazing person."
"Thank you, that means a lot!" I reply. I felt so happy on the inside. I feel worth it. I feel wanted. I feel... warm.

After a long time of waiting, we find out that her dad was coming in later. We leave her and her mum together and decide to walk out. I refused any sort of reward from her as I didn't need it and she needed it more than I did.

We walk home and gid hasn't said a word.
"Do you think he'll be ok?" I ask Jimin later in private.
"Do you think he'll be ok?" He asked me later. I looked over at the poor orphan, who was now stirring his rice around in the bowl. He looked miserable. I decide we should take care of him.
"He'll be ok. He doesn't have a mum, obviously, but I wonder about his dad. If not, we have to take full responsibility over him. Ok?" I tell him.
"Ok." Suga replied. I knew he would be ok with it because I knew what he thought of gid. He thought that gid was his younger self. He wanted to take care of him so he didn't feel as alone as he did. I talk to the guys later about it and they say it's ok. We doubt he has a dad and his mother isn't alive. But we all have hope still. And we won't give up.

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