Zach and jeon's parents

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"Ok so the craziest thing just happened and I am terrified." Her familier voice came through the screen. I was scared for her! Why was she upset. What's happening. She was walking down a road in pitch blackness with tear stains down her face.
"So excuse the weird position and bad camera quality. I ran away from mine and Zach's place. I only have my camera and a backpack. I know I have to go back but I'm going to stay out here for tonight. So here's the deal." She took a shaky breath and wiped some hair out of her eyes. God I hope she's ok.
"He'd been out for the night and I hadn't seen him. When he got back he had obviously spent the night at some other girls house and been drinking. I tried to leave him again but it didn't work and, get this, he actually hit me! He actually smacked me round the face really hard. Look!" She then moved her hood around and I could see a bruise that formed on her cheek. I have to help her. Wait, this is from months ago.
"I tried to leave but yeah he hit me round the face. Um, I waited and he fell asleep so I ran away. I know I have to go back because I have no food or drink or clothing or anything. I just don't want to be near him. He is absolutely terrifying. Anyway, goodnight. Talk whenever I can." And the video shut off. I have to do something! What, Im not sure. Dang it!!!

Time skip a few days.

I haven't gotten any calls from Jeon for a few days. He's been declining them for ages. I'm started to worry.
I find Kim in the office working as usual.
"Hey, um, Jeon hasn't called and keeps declining mine. He won't answer anything. I'm worrying about him." I said nervously because I've never really talked about feelings that often. It's not been my kind of thing to do. He looked up at me like he had the same sort of thought.
"Maybe he's just busy? You know with family stuff." He said. My heart almost exploded when he said family. I cringed but didn't show it.
"Sorry.." he said apologetically. I waved my hand as it was ok.
"But what if he's in trouble!!" I say.
"Well check tomorrow. Ok? Just to be sure."
I decided to go tomorrow as Suga seemed incredibly worried. He had to be seriously paranoid if he's actually come to talk to me about it! Yoongi never talks to me or anyone about feelings.
We've been invited to a fan meeting at the weekend. It's a Wednesday today so it's very soon. It'll be a shame that jeon won't be here but it'll be ok I guess.

We pulled up outside his house after hours of driving. It's a long way to his home in Busan. We usually come to the borders of Busan when we do concerts so it's not too far from our house. But, jeons house is at the end of Busan, the other side.

Anyway, we pull up further down the road so we don't get caught.
"You guys stay in the at, me and Suga will go." Kim said to the others. I've seen pictures of jeons house before and I've seen that around the side, there are slide-open doors that are made of glass so you can see the kitchen. When we get there, I see a bush which I tell Kim to hide in with me so we can see.

When in the bush, I see Jeon sitting down by himself at the counter eating a small chocolate bar looking seriously upset. The only thing I can think of is that it's Blake or what she's said on the video diary.

Suddenly he looks really scared and gets up, putting the half finished bar in the bin and covering it with something as if he hiding it. He the. Wiped his mouth and sits down at the table twiddling his thumbs.
"He's nervous. That's what he does when he's scared." I whisper to Kim, who nodded in agreement.
Then his sister walked into the room and she looked like she was crying. His dad and mum walked in and the dad was shouting. I could hear mumbles but not much so I couldn't understand what he was saying. I looked back over at Jeon who had turned around and said something making his dad walk over to him. He then did something that scared me and I won't get the picture out of my mind.
He covered his face in fear.
I don't know why. He must have had a bad past for him to do that.
"What's happening." I ask.
"I dont know." Kim whispered back.

Minutes past and the shouting continued. Kim was started to be curious too. Jeon was sat there barely making a move he whole time, Just watching.
Suddenly the shouting grew larger and his dad actually hit his sister. That was when Jeon got up. We already started getting up to help. We meaning I. Jeon got up and stood in front of his younger sister who had fallen over due to the impact. He was standing up for her and himself. Something he's never done before. He didn't say a word just stood in front of her. The father punched Jeon but he didn't move. I was at the window. I kept hearing Kim call me back but Im not about to let this man abuse my best friend and his sister.
"Hey! Stop it!" I shout. His father notices me but I don't care. I want him to. He opens the door and I feel slightly scared. I don't show it.
"What are you doing here? Who are you?" He bellowed into my face.
"I'm not going to let you abuse my best friend and his sister without going through us." I said. I tried to sound scary but seeing as he is so much taller than me and probably double my age, it didn't work.
"Us?" He said confused. His voice died down a bit.
"There's 7 more of us and your not going to hurt them two any more." I said this to which he started laughing.
"What?" I asked.
"7? Name everyone. You think I'm going to believe there is 6 more of you round the corner?" I smiled knowing this was my chance.
"Jimin, Jung, Jin, Kim, V, jeon, ash and me." He seemed taken back but then started laughing again.
"Those are their real names!? You got to be kidding me." He was almost wheezing.
"No of course not. Jimin is park Jimin, Jung is Jung hoseak, Jin is Kim seokjin, Kim is Kim namjoon, V is Kim teahyoung, Jeon is obviously Jeon jungkook ash is genuinely his real name and I am Suga, which is min Yoongi. Those are our stage names. So beat it." I said standing taller.
"You told Jeon that your family had changed. You told him everything was ok. I don't understand how that isn't true. We'll take Jeon and jisu back to where they feel safe. Which is obviously not with you guys." I heard from behind me. I turned around and saw Jung and the others stood there. I turned back and saw the father looking slightly scared.
"So, are you going to let us take them from your care or are we going to have to take them ourselves." Kim said bravely. The dad looked speechless and moved out of the way. Jeon ran up to me and just hugged me.

An hour past and we're driving back home in the night sky. We let the two get what they needed and we discussed that jisu and Jeon would Share a room for now. They thanked us a lot and both, along with Jung and Jimin, fell asleep.

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