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"Look where you're going freak!" Kim said to me. I kept getting in his way a lot, by accident obviously! "If you do that one more time, Im going to get mad." He was angry at me as usual. The others were chatting and laughing so they couldn't hear what Kim or me was saying. I stepped on a rock suddenly and tripped a bit, getting in the way of Kim. "That's it!" He shouted. The others looked around and I started to get worried. He shoved my chest, hard. I slipped again and started worrying a lot when I didn't land on the ground. I was falling but I didn't know where. Then suddenly, CRACK. splitting pain in my leg and then blackness.
He was falling. Down and down. All my anger left my body instantly as I heard a scream and then a loud thud. then there was silence before "KIM WHAT THE HECK!?" It was V shouting at me. He was just as worried as I was. What had I done. I looked over the edge that jimin had fell and saw him unconscious lying on the floor with his left leg in a bad position. Me and the guys had no idea what to do. Suddenly I had an idea. "Guys, I'll go get him." I spoke up. "No. You can't Kim. It's too dangerous, and there is not way of you getting back up!" Suga was trying to stick up for me. "No suga, I did this. I have to fix it. I have to!!" I pleaded. "Fine. Just be careful."
I'm being held by a rope and being lowered down the side of the edge to go and get jimin. It's a very long drop, I hope he's ok. my foot slipped and a shrieked a bit. But I got my balanced and kept going down. Suddenly I heard a SNAP! And I was going down the edge very fast. the rope had snapped. With a loud thud I fell to the floor. It wasn't much of a drop, but it was enough for my back to hurt a lot. I gained up my energy and got up to walk over to jimin. He was pretty bad. His leg bent in a different direction and his face had no emotion. I moved him very carefully into a sitting position then went to the bottom of the cliff. "Guys, go get help. All of you, NOW!" I pleaded. And with that, they all left. I started to pace back and forth mumbling things like "what have I done"
"What have I done? Oh god. Please say he's ok. I'm in idiot. Someone help." Was what I heard from the blackness. Slowly I began to realise that i had gained consciousness again. I tried opening my eyes. It was blurring but I realised I didn't have my glasses on. A splitting pain suddenly came to my leg and a yelped. Suddenly the person pacing ran to my side. I thought It was V. "Thank god you're ok. I'm so sorry." That wasn't V's voice. That's Kim. Why is Kim here. Why did he come to my side. All I could think about was 'where's V?' I needed him right now. "Don't worry, helps on the way." He said. "W-why a-are y-you h-here?" I managed to say through gritted teeth. The pain was unreal. "Because I pushed you in here. I came to rescue you. I'm in idiot. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He kept saying. I could hear him tearing up a bit. He must really mean it. "I-it's o-ok." "No! No it's not. I shouldn't have pushed you! You could have died!" His voice was going higher and higher in concern. I know it was childish to say, but I was feeling wierd. "It won't matter tomorrow. I won't be here. I'll leave you all. I won't have to annoy anyone. I'll leave you, Jin, jeon, Jung and V. I won't annoy any of you anymore. I'll be it if all of your ways forever." I gulped when I said V's name. I looked over at him and he was hitting his head against the rock that it was rested on. "I... i thought you forgot about that." He almost whispered. "No. How could I forget? I have to leave my best friends and the love of my life. To start over again." I said. Why can't I shut up? "I wish I just punched the wall and left you alone, instead of say that." Punched the wall? What does he mean by that? He leaned over and tucked his head into his knees. "Don't worry. You can forget about me soon." I said to him. "How could I forget about you?" I was surprised when he said this. "What?" "How could i forget about the talented, cool and creative little monster like you?" He stiffened a giggle. "How could I forget the words I said to you, which I really meant for me. How could I forget the amount of times I've cried and cried over my actions. How could I forget?" I looked down at my feet. "If you want to leave, then you can. But if not, then... then I'll...I'll...I'll miss you." He struggled to say this. But he looked at his feet as if he was guilty. "And I know that V will be very upset." I got really happy and a feeling of warmth came over me. In the silence I felt cared for, welcomed, loved. This feeling was interrupting by the pain in my leg getting worse and worse. I stopped smiling and shrieked.
"AHHH!" He shrieked. I got really worried. I got up and run over to him. I didn't know what to do. Just by luck the others turned up with 4 instructors, obviously medical trained. They hooked a bunch of rope around strong and sturdy rocks. They came down quickly. They pushed a bored underneath jimin. He had fainted again because the pain grew too much for him. They brought me and him up to safety and back to the place that we came from.
"What happened to him!?" An instructor said to me. I was worried but I had to own up. "Uh.. I ... I .... uh.." I was stuttering really bad. "He went down to get him after he slipped on a rock.  By then he slipped as well and fell down with him." Suga suddenly said. I was shocked, did they actually see what happened. Suga then winked at me with a smile. He did see what happened. Why would he defend me after what I did?
I was checked over and was free to go home. Jimin was left unconscious in a hospital bed. I sat by myself at the back. I didn't want to be with anyone so I just stared blankly out the window, lost In Thought. I've never felt so guilty and unwanted in my entire life.

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