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I went upstairs to go check on Kim after he shouted at jimin. I heard shouting coming from his room so I rushed up and was about to open the door when I heard this. "I'm such an idiot!" In a quiet panful way and then I heard him crying. This made me sad. Hearing our leader crying and saying how much he hated himself. "He didn't deserve that. He's a good person. With good talents. Why did I do that!?" I heard again. And then he got angry again. I heard a really loud bang from his room and I think he punched the wall. And then it happened again. And again. And again. It got worrying so I quickly opened the door and rushed in. He looked at me and was in shock. "I-I thought I locked that door?" He whispered to me. "N-no... no go away!" Almost shouting at me again. "Kim. Calm. I'm only here to help. I won't tell the others." I said reassuringly. I could see pain and sadness in his eyes. His knuckles were bleeding slightly so I got them bandaged up and we hugged for a while. We then just chatted about random things and I let him cry a bit more. I know he didn't mean any harm. It's his anger that gets the better of him. Takes over his body like poison and no one can fix it. I then left him to go and explain to jimin about the situation and he went to see Kim (who had now cleaned his tears) to say that he forgave him. we were all friends again. Nice!
It's been a few months since that incident and me and Kim have become good friends. Me and V are even better friends. We moved into a bigger house so everyone could fit. But as I'm the youngest I had to share a room. Me and V have to share the room which I'm ok with cuz he's my best friend. Sometimes if there's a storm he'll come and sit on my bed and we'll end up sleeping in the same bed that night. He's so nice and comforting. His eyes are probably the best, there so blue and adorable. I love the way his hair flows it's beautifu... wait, what? What am I on about. Jeez.
Our music career has taken off and we've been to a few concerts. Not big ones just like a festival with 10 people or so. It's tough to get up in front of that many people but V always calms me down.
We were all sat eating lunch around the table and suddenly Kim spoke up. "Hey jimin. You know you said about the whole thing with BTS. Well, I kinda get it now. I like the idea and if everyone's ok with it, then we can call ourselves that." I almost chocked on my sand which. "REALLY!?" I almost shouted.
"Yeah." "Thank you!!!"
All the chatter and laughter was interrupted by the phone ringing. "I'll get it" said Jin. He ran over and said hello and then said "huh?" Then he turned to Kim and said. "They are speaking English!" Kim went over and grabbed the phone. No one could understand what he was saying but it was good news of some sort. "Ok goodbye!" He said and came to the table with a big smile. "Well?" I said. Anxious to hear what had happened. "Well, WERE GOING TO OR FIRST CONCERT!!!" Everyone corrupted into cheers and laughing and clapping. Whilst I was sat staring at the table. I liked this moment but how many people. "H-how many people will be there?" I stuttered. Daring to speak up. "Thousands! Just think! Thousands of people want to see US!!! THOUSANDS!!" He screamed. I gulped. Thousands? That's a lot. "W-when is it?" I dared to say again. "It's tomorrow. But, get this, it's for the whole week!" He was squealing like a girl the entire time. Tomorrow? Why tomorrow!? Thousands of people I have to stand up in front of. That I half to sing in front of. Thousands. And that's all tomorrow? I tried to keep the tears in and sprinted up to my room. I shut the door. And sat down on the floor rocking back and forth. Crying my eyes out. Whispering the word help over and over again. I knew this was a panic attack cuz I've had them before and we're able to control them. It wasn't that bad but it was bad enough. "Jimin!" I heard V shout from downstairs. I tucked my head in my knees and rocked a bit more. It's my coping mechanism. The door slammed open and V came in. I didn't look at him but he picked me up and put me on the bed and started rubbing my back. "It's ok. Don't worry you'll be fine!" He kept saying stuff to me and they helped me calm down. I have him a hug and thanked him. We both then started to pack for the tour and I started getting excited.
It's the day of the tour and I'm sat on the coach with the guys. We're just chatting and Kim is trying to teach us English. "Now say 'hello my name is ___' ok?" I went first. "Hillo mi nem is jimin! I did it!!" I was impressed with myself. We were trying to read English words off of a sheet and then we arrived at the destination. We went backstage where make up and dress rehearsals were done and we were showed the stage and the lift to the stage. Jin carried a vlogging camera and filmed the whole experience. And then the time came. We didn't see the stage and I didn't see it unless 10 minutes before the show. I looked through the curtains and saw something I did not expect. Literally thousands of people waiting. I started to freak out. My heart beat faster than ever. I ran to the dressing room and sat on the floor after locking the door. I sat down and tucked my head in my knees and started rocking but it didn't help. My breath became shorter and shorter before I could breath anymore. I couldn't hear anything. But I could hear shouting. Suddenly the door crashed open but I can see who it was. This started to rub my back and hug me to try and call me down but it wasn't working. I can hear what they were saying but I'm pretty sure it was V. "I... Can't... breath... "I managed to get out between short breaths. They then left me and came back with a glass of water. I drank from it and the water flowed through my throat. I could breath again. I started to breathe normally. And started here and see again, it was V trying to call me down. "There you go. It's ok jimin. You're okay. What's the matter? "He said in a calming voice. "I can't do this... "
"How do you know until you try? Thousands of people are out there waiting for us, you, to come out and sing. You're going to be amazing. Come on" he said before holding my hand to pull me up. That prep talk was enough to help me.

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