Chapter Forty: Rennae's pov

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I have always felt like something was missing. I always thought it was weird when Nanna never told me to call her Mom. I thought it was strange until I was eleven. She told me about my real parents and my sister. She told me this after she told me that she had cancer. She told me that Arabelle was my sister and that I would be staying with her from now on.

I walked up to Arabelle and hugged her. The moment I hugged her I realized why I felt like something was missing. She was missing. Somehow I knew that she was out there.

"I'm sorry I haven't been here." She said. I could feel her tears wetting my shoulder as we hugged.

"It's okay." I said letting my own tears form.

I felt a hand on my back. I knew it wasn't Nanna, so it had to be someone else. I pulled away from Arabelle to see Chen. I smile at him. I was already starting to like this stranger.

"Hey, let's go get something to eat. Would you like that?" He said to me. I nodded my head in agreeance. He looked up at Arabelle and nodded towards a hospital room.

Arabelle's eyes lit up as she ran towards the room. Chen walked me down the hall to the cafeteria and we ate pizza. 

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