Chapter Eleven: Cheater

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I picked up the phone and it was Corey.

"Hi, do you-" He cut me off.

"Don't give her the phone, please. I just made a huge mistake." He said. I couldn't keep this from Sarah so I put the phone on speaker and we sat down on the couch.

"Okay, keep talking." I said.

"I was at the bar getting a drink. I bought a bottle of Sarah's favorite whisky so I had something for her when she got home. Then this girl came up to me and said that that was her favorite drink." He paused as if to shake his head. I looked at Sarah and she looked really worried.

"She kissed me Ari. And I kissed her back." He said through a sob.

"You did what Corey?" I asked in a ragged tone.

"Shhh, please don't let Sarah know. I have to tell you the rest. I feel so guilty. I can't keep it to myself." He said. Sarah looked at me with tear filled eyes. I put an arm around her.

"Keep going." I said in an warning tone.

"She kept coming on me, so I took her back to the house. We- um- uh- it got physical." He said I felt tears forming in my eyes. I looked at Sarah who was full on balling.

"What the hell is wrong with you Corey? For you to go off and have sex with some random girl at the bar. When you have a wife Corey! How the hell could you bring yourself to be able to do that. And I'll have you know that Sarah has been listening to this whole conversation. The next damn time I see you, Corey, it won't be pretty." I said after hanging up the phone. I threw the phone at the couch across from me. I turned my body towards Sarah and embarrassed her in a hug.

"How could he do this to me?" Sarah asked.

An hour went by of her crying.

"Do you still want to go to the concert? I will ditch that concert for you Sarah. I will fly my ass down there just to sucker punch him in the throat." I said wiping the tears from her cheeks and pushing her hair out of her face. She sniffled and shook her head no.

"I won't let that bastard ruin our time together. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity." She said standing up and wiping her cheeks off.

"Well we have front row seats!" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Now, I have a chance with Chanyeol." She said surprising me. I cocked my head to the side in agreeance and we walked out the door. 

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