5: Esther makes contact

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Dear Evie,

You can tell me anything. It’s not like I know who you are exactly so I won’t judge you. Has something odd happened to you?

I don't know why I am friends with Matt. He is such a douche. But I guess that sometimes, he has this weird way of cheering me up or entertaining me when I'm bored... Maybe that's it. Though sometimes I just want to go all Kung Fu Panda on him because he's being such a douche-bag.

Something weird is going on in my locker. There have been these notes appearing in my locker anonymously. The writer won’t tell me who he is but he keeps writing to me and it’s a bit wacky. I think he’s stalking me or something, he says that he’s noticed me since last year and sees me ride my bike home after school… I’m not sure if I should care or not. He doesn’t seem dangerous or anything. All I know is that he may or may not go to my school, but I suspect he goes to your school. Oh and he has brown hair. So, that begs the question, does anyone at your school have brown hair?

I'm writing to you in my maths class. I don’t believe in maths, I don’t care about finding the sum of five terms in a geometric sequence. So instead, I decided to do something more productive (writing to you).

My days have been really boring lately; there haven’t been any dramas at school at all. Everyone suddenly has a good study pattern and procrastination is frowned upon. This lowers my social status even more, I don’t have a good work ethic and I procrastinate heaps. Rachel has more social-credit than I do, and she has never done any work. I guess that because I never really had a lot of friends and I don’t muck around much in class, people just assumed that I was studious. Nooooooo I am not. I am just lazy.

I think I am going to take up a hobby. I might start cycling for ‘exercise’. I mean I really like cycling home from school, and I’m not very slow. I might start competitively cycling in small competitions or something. It sounds like fun in my head anyway.

I've never been to laser tag before, but if I ever feel like getting completely dominated by eight year olds, I'll be sure to go!


PS. No.. I don't know anyone from your school. Oh wait! Yeah I do, my friend Esther has a little brother that goes to your school. He chose to go to a different school to his sister because he thinks that she is 'soooo lame'.


Oh my gosh it’s been soooooo long!! Do you even remember my name anymore? Sorry I haven’t contacted you at all lately, it’s been so crazy here, in LONDON! You know how I was original placed in Cornwall? Well a place opened up in the CAPITAL CITY and the student exchange organisers asked if I preferred to go to London instead. And I said no. I’M KIDDING! I said yes!!! So I am currently writing to you from my room in my host family’s house in LONDON! I love it here! Everyone has the really cute accent and my host family are the nicest people ever! I have this really cute little seven year old host sister and an attractive seventeen year old host brother.

Too bad I’m on exchange, if I lived here, I would totally go for him! He’s really cute AND he takes me around the school and shows me my classes and everything! Gosh I love him! He’s the best brother ever! I really want siblings now... my little brother doesn't count. He's too much like an inhuman mute robot to be a brother.

So anyway, has anything happened at school recently? Is Matt messing with Rachel again? Tell him to sod off if he is! (You have to say that in a British accent)

I made lots of new friends here at school, there is this group of girls that are super nice. There is at least one of them in each of my classes so I’m not that strange kid with the Australian accent sitting all by herself in the corner.

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