Chapter 14

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Ozzy's POV

I force myself to look at anything but Victoria's head right now. I glance at Edward as busies himself with dismembering the headless body. Cringing, I look away.


When Edward gets done, he stands up. Noticing that I look like I'm going to puke, he sighs.

"Ozzy–" he starts.

I make a high squealing noise and plug my ears like I can't stand the sound of his voice. I keep on shrieking like this while Edward checks his watch, waiting for me to finish my little performance.

I eventually calm down, my squealing turning into a gurgling noise at the back of my throat. I squint at Edward, and he chuckles.

"Are you done?" Edward asks.

"Are you done grossing me out?" I take one hand off of my ear tentatively, experimenting.

Edward rolls his eyes. "You're shocked that I did that to Victoria, aren't you?"

"Well, duh. You don't exactly strike as the type of guy who bites people's heads off." I cross my arms, feeling upset, so Edward puts his arms around me and squeezes.

"You know that I had no other choice," he says, hoping to appease me.

I heave a sigh. "Yeah, I know," I grumble, not pushing him off. "But it still was really disturbing." I shudder.

Edward grins. "So you aren't mad?"

I roll my eyes. "I can't get mad at you, baby," I say. Then, when I notice he hasn't taken his arms off of me yet, I add, "We should seriously save this for the bedroom."

Edward laughs and pulls away. "I missed you."

I smile. "I missed you, too."

Then takes me back in his arms and kisses me deeply.

Edward's POV

It's been a week since we got Ozzy back, and I've been loving every second of it. I feel happy again. Tonight Ozzy's spending the night at my place since her mom and her aunt went to Ireland, and we don't want another reply of what happened with Victoria.

Ozzy, on the other hand, doesn't seem as happy as me, though. I mean, she was happy the first couple of days. But then, all of a sudden, something snapped in her and she's been acting incredibly distant. I mean, her thoughts won't even give away what's wrong.

And the worst part is, now that I got her back, I'm scared of losing her again. I don't think I'd be strong enough to handle it if she ever breaks up with me. Although I'm a vampire and almost nothing can hurt me, Ozzy is the only person in my world who has the ability to put me in pain.

And she doesn't even know it.

Ozzy's POV

I think Edward's paranoid that I'm going to break up with him, and two things gave it away. One, he's been making me promise that I would never leave him. And two, he's stuck to my side like glue. Like I would go to the bathroom and he would literally stand right outside the door.

Like what the heck.

The only reason why I've been acting all distant is because of what I found out about my aunt's health the day I got home after Edward saved me from Victoria.

Start of flashback

Just as I sit down on the couch in my living room for my beloved TV time, I realize I shouldn't watch the show World of Dance without some food.

When I walk in the kitchen, my aunt is standing with her back turned towards me and her phone in her hand. I silently grab a bag of Cheetos, and try to decide on whether or not I should tap on my aunt's shoulder just so I can say hi. I end up deciding not to when my aunts says in the phone, "She's my niece, Patrick. My only niece. And she deserves the best in life. Which is why I'm giving it all to her."

It's silent for a minute before my aunt snaps, "I know she's not a legal adult yet, Patrick. But I know she's responsible enough to use it all for good purposes. And this is my will and you're my lawyer. If you want to avoid a complaint to your boss, then just listen to me."

I take a small step backwards, mentally wishing for popcorn. And only when my aunt says, "Because I don't know how to tell her the news yet! Because maybe it'll be best if I tell her last because she doesn't deserve to spend her days worrying about me." –only then do I turn around, tears forming in my eyes.

The last thing I hear my aunt say before I walk out is, "I don't want to tell Ozzy that I'm probably going to end up dying because she deserves to stay happy. And she can't be happy if she finds out that I have cancer."

End of flashback

As my mind replays the memory, my thumb unintentionally finds my mouth and before I know it, I can't stop sucking on it. What? Don't judge me. So what if I suck my thumb when I'm stressed. You all did when you were babies.

Wait. . .who the heck am I defending myself to?

The thought of my aunt dying and that she didn't even tell me about her cancer makes tears go down my cheeks. I had to find out the news from eavesdropping oh her.

The sound of knocking on Edward's bedroom door snaps me back to reality, and I sit up on his couch. Then I stand up and put on one of Edward's sweatshirts seeing as I'm wearing a crop top and a mini skirt. Wouldn't want whoever it is to get the wrong idea just in case it isn't Edward.

I walk over to the door and answer  it, mentally doing my happy dance when I see who it is. Edward.

I KNEW IT! Alice isn't the only one who can see the future now. HAR HAR.

I don't say anything as my eyes lock with Edward's. My coldness towards him lately is making me feel guilty now. I mean, just because I'm worried about my aunt doesn't mean I can treat my boyfriend like a stranger.

Whoever said that karma is a bitch TOTALLY jinxed everybody whoever did something that made them feel guilty afterwards.

"Ozella. . ." Edward begins, seeming uncomfortable. And I don't blame him. I mean, it's been a while since we've had a real conversation.

"Edward," I say, trying to sound firm. I make a move to shut the door, but Edward's stupid vampire speed prevents me from doing that.

"Ozzy, please. Talk to me. What's bothering you?"

"Why do you even care? I don't want to break up with you, okay? So just mind your own fucking business and stop being so damn nosy."

Edward doesn't reply. I can't even look at him. I totally just lashed out on him, and now I feel even more guilty. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this and the words just slipped out.

Stupid mouth!

"Ozzy, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that you felt that way. I'll mind my own business, okay? You don't have to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to."

I sigh. "I'm sorry for being a bitch. It's just that my aunt is ill." I take a deep breath when it feels like the tears are threatening to fall. "She has cancer," I whisper. A couple of tears manage to escape, and I feel Edward's thumb wipe them away.  Then he pulls me into hug, and he just gives me his company.

Because that's all I need right now.

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