Chapter 13

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Ozzy's POV

"No." I shake my head, staring at Victoria with wide eyes. "No. You're not my mom."

Victoria smirks. "Believe what you want, Ozella, but I'm telling you the truth. And I have the birth certificate to prove it."

My jaw drops when she takes out a paper from her pocket. My birth certificate.

Well damn.

"So the woman I thought was my mother for all of these years has been lying to me?" I question, and Victoria nods. Then I ask, "And my real mom has never showed up in my life until the day she decided to kidnap me?"

Victoria sighs. "Ozella, I died giving birth to you. And James, your dad, decided that it would be best to put you up for adoption when you were three because he felt that it would be unhealthy for you to grow up with vampires. And he was right. You're a beautiful and healthy seventeen year old girl."

Suddenly, a vision flashes in my mind.

Start of flashback
I was three years olds, and I loved playing on the swings at the playground. I always pretended that I was a bird when I was swinging. One day when I was swinging, Victoria snapped at me, telling me to get off because she had to be somewhere. But I just ignored her, humming the Mickey Mouse theme song.

"Ozella, Mommy needs to go hunt–I mean shop for food. Get off the swing now."

But I kept swinging, my humming getting louder.

"Ozella! Listen to me! Get off of that stupid swing!"

I hummed even louder. Victoria grabbed my arm and pulled me off the swing, so I ended up falling on my butt. When Victoria tried pulling me to my feet, I refused to stand up.

"You're in serious trouble, missy," Victoria said. Then she slapped me across the face. "Now stand up!"

I obeyed, tears going down my cheeks. I'm pretty sure she left a hand mark on one of my cheeks.

Then this guy walked up to us. Now that I realize it, that guy was Edward. I should've remembered this before. That's probably why he caught my eye on my first day in Forks.

"I know it's not really any of my business," Edward said, "but you shouldn't hit your daughter like that. She's just–"

"You're right. It's not any of your business, so stay out of it." Victoria glared at him. "And she's my daughter, so I can punish her as I please."

Edward stared at me. "But–"

"Leave us alone."
End of flashback

"You don't love me," I whisper as soon as my vision ends. "You don't even care. You're just a bitch! And you are just using me to get Edward here only so you can kill him! I knew that you didn't have a good–"

Victoria clenches her fists. "Shut up!"

I glare at her. "It's all about my father, isn't it?" I hiss. "You want revenge for him. I bet that after this is all over, you won't want anything to do with your only daughter. You'll just–"

"I said shut up!" Victoria shouts. She takes out a pocket knife and I let out a scream.

Oh, why didn't I shut up the first time?

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