Chapter 11 {rewrite}

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You know that point in relationships when once the boy and the girl confess their undying love for each other, they have no idea what to do next?

If so. . .

That's what Edward and I are going through right now.

We're standing by my locker, where a bunch of kids have crowded around us, asking us if we were a couple.

Are we?

The thing is. . .Edward and I don't know.

But these kids just don't get it.

"You guys should kiss right now," a familiar voice says. "Just get it over with."

Is that. . . ?

My eyes widen. Jacob Black.

He pushes his way through the crowd just to get to us, and when he does, Edward glares at him.

Why does Edward hate him so much?

My cheeks immediately go bright red when I remember how Jacob kissed me. But that doesn't go unnoticed by Jacob because when he sees that I'm blushing, he immediately bursts out laughing.

Now it's my turn to glare at him.

Edward shoots me a questioning glance and I just shake my head.

"You didn't tell him about what happened?" Jacob asks, looking at me in disbelief. "So he doesn't even know what happened after he left that day?"

I sigh. "Shut up, dude," I mutter, cursing at my cheeks for making me blush.

"Make me," Jacob retorts. "He deserves to know now that you two are like a thing."

Edward frowns. "What are you guys talking about?"

Ignoring his question, I narrow my eyes at Jacob.


Jacob smirks at Edward. "She didn't tell you what happened after you left the day you guys found me naked in her house?" he asks. Edward shakes his head, and Jacob snickers. "We got kind of busy making–"

"Brownies!" I cut in, laughing nervously. "Right, Jacob? We made brownies."

"No, we ki–"

I cut him off. "We killed zombies, too," I lie to Edward. "It was this game about zombies I downloaded on my phone, and I wanted to test it out."

"She's lying!"

I stick my tongue out at Jacob. "Am not!"

He smirks. "Ozzy, there's a lot more things you could do with that tongue."

My cheeks warm up at that. "Shut up!"

"No." He chuckles.

"Ugh, you swallow."

"And you suck," he retorts, grinning.

"Omg, you're such a–"

"Guys," Edward says, interrupting our little fight. "I still have no clue what I deserve to know."

Jacob rolls his eyes. "She didn't tell you anything at all, did she? So you don't know about the ki–"

"Jacob, you should seriously leave right now," I snap, cutting him off. I give him my best death glare. "And what happened between us didn't mean anything."

Instead of moving, Jacob just raises his eyebrows. "Why haven't you told him?"

We just stare at each other for a minute or two, me silently pleading with him not to tell Edward about our kiss.

"We kissed," Jacob finally blurts out, and I want to slap him. "So know you now, leech."

The crowd around us gasps. As soon as all the kids leave, Edward turns on me.

"Were you ever going to tell me about this?" he demands.

I avoid his gaze. "I don't think so," I mumble.

"TCC," he reminds me.

I sigh. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think that I had to tell you because we weren't dating at the time."

He kisses my cheek. "Next time something like that happens, tell me. TCC."

I grin. "Okay. Edward, guess what?"


"Chicken. Now guess who?"

He rolls his eyes. "Who?"

"CHICKEN BUTT!" I exclaim, running into his arms, and we both fall to the floor.



I'm watching the movie Stalked at 17 and eating Nutella when my phone rings. I groan, pausing the TV to answer the call.


"Ozzy?" Its Alice.

"Alice, you're such a bitch. My TV time starts at four every single day, and I'm watching a really good–"

She cuts me off. "Ozzy, the news I have is more important than your TV time. I saw this image of the future and Victoria's out to get you."

"Victoria?" I frown. I've never heard of a Victoria.

Alice sighs. "Look, I'll explain everything in person. It's just that what I saw was so clear and none of my images have ever been more clear. You have to leave your house. Like right now. You can go to Edward. Go to Jacob. Just be far away from your house. And don't waste time."

I don't dare speak as my mind tries to process all of this info. How do I know this isn't a trick?

As if reading my mind, Alice says, "Ozzy, I'm not lying. I'd never lie about something like this."

I nod, knowing she's right. "Okay. I'll be there in an hour."

Alice's POV

As soon as I get off the phone with Ozzy it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I hope she makes it here in time. Now all I need to do is find out how I can tell Edward. I need to tell him in a way he won't freak out.

He's just so protective over the things he loves.

Ozzy's POV

After lying to my mom and telling her that I'm going to spend the night with Angela, I throw my makeup and toothbrush and hairbrush into a mini bag. Then I grab some skinny jeans and a large T-shirt along with my underwear and my jacket. Finally, I stuff all of my things into an old beach bag.

"This better not be a prank, Alice," I mumble as I hop into my car. Just as I'm about to put the key into the ignition, I freeze. It feels like someone else is in here. Am I going crazy or something?

"It's only in your head, Ozzy,"  I whisper to myself. "It's fine."

Then the world goes black.

An Edward Cullen Love Story {the remake}Where stories live. Discover now